The Politics Of CrimeDem's jack up crime in order to seize guns.By Bob McCray July 3, 2023
The last few years have seen a complete dereliction of duty in Democrat-run cities. The crime rate has gone through the roof with robberies and shootings. The George Soros-funded District Attorneys are dancing to Woke ideology. They are refusing to prosecute the people who are repeatedly committing criminal acts. In many cases, it is the same people committing the majority of the crimes. Violent street thugs and thieves are released back on the street in just a matter of hours. A result of this lawlessness has been an uptick in mass shootings. Most of the mass shootings have turned out to be the result of fights that get out of hand, drug deals, and gang turf battles. The remaining mass shootings are targeted at a religious institution or it's some suicidal nut looking for an easy target. The Biden Administration has made it very clear that your constitutional rights mean nothing to them. Our dear leader, our “wanna-be” dictator Joe Biden, has publicly stated he wants your guns, especially the AR-15. Biden wants draconian gun control so he can disarm the people of the United States of America. According to the New York Times analysis of homicides by AR-15 rifles from 2007-2017 (1), from 2007 to 2017, at least 173 people have been killed in mass shootings involving an AR-15. That averages to 17 homicides per year out of an average of 13,657 homicides per year in the same 10-year period. So, death by AR-15 rifles averages 1/10 of 1% of those homicides. Compare that to the almost 1,700 homicides by knives or sharp objects per year in the same time frame. Mass shootings are still a rare event, most homicides with a firearm are caused by easy-to-conceal handguns. As crass as it sounds, the socialists seem to want a high body count, so they can blame the violence on guns. The propaganda press is constantly beating the gun-control drum, trying to convince their viewers to do away with the 2nd Amendment. At the same time, the responsibility of the thugs pulling the trigger and the DAs who give the thugs the opportunity. The socialists running the Democrat Party want a single-party socialist government with them in power. The socialists of the world know they cannot fully control the armed population of the United States. The socialist left fears the armed American who will defend his country, and the most common rifle in the U.S. is the AR-15. (2)