"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

"Greetings, Earthling"

"Take me to your leader..."

August 7, 2023


It’s not a stretch to say most people have heard these immortal words, “Greetings, Earthling.” These emanated from an eight-ball-headed character, named Marvin the Martian, who is forever trying to vaporize Bugs Bunny and the earth. 

Hearing about or seeing Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) has been a point of interest or fear for people going back centuries. Discussion about UFOs is no longer relegated to science fiction movies or speculative TV shows. 

Since the 1960s the U.S. Military took the position, that UFOs posed no threat. The Russians have a different opinion, their fighter aircraft fired on the UFOs and engaged in dogfights with the UFOs. In most cases, the UFOs accelerated away at unbelievable speeds, but in three cases the UFOs returned fire, shooting down three fighters, and killing two pilots. The Russian Ministry of Defense issued orders not to bother the UFOs, and no further issues were reported. 

For years it was the same old story, a UFO was reported, then the official response would be the same song and dance, about swamp gas and hallucinations. Pilots, military, and police who are considered trained observers would be threatened and face ridicule if they reported sighting a UFO. This kind of retaliatory action kept a lid on the reporting of Unidentified Flying Objects, keeping such reports in the realm of rumors. 

The UFO’s cover was finally ripped off by a front-page story in the New York Times on December 16, 2017. The story exposed an unknown federal office studying UFOs called AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) run by a career intelligence officer Lue Elizondo. Elizondo came forward with his story after higher-ups in the Pentagon began stonewalling his operation. His report exposed recent intercepts and encounters by the U.S. Navy off the California coast. U.S. Navy pilots had encounters in 2004 with fast-moving UFOs they were able to track with their Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR). Round and oblong shapes were moving at impossible speeds and made extreme maneuvers that were so severe, they would rip any known aircraft apart. The UFOs changed shape and took actions that totally defy everything we know regarding the laws of physics.     

Finally, this subject matter is being discussed in open sessions of Congress, with witnesses of mostly former military personnel giving their personal accounts, including statements regarding recovered UFO wreckage and biological “non-human” remains of the perceived crew members. The genie is out of the bottle. Are we going to see more enlightening information about the UFOs or are we going to see this opportunity fizzle away?

The fundamental question is who or what are we dealing with and what is the mission of the UFOs? It appears the operators of the UFOs want to keep us at arms-length and I for one think that is a good idea. We have no idea of their physical makeup or of any diseases that they may carry. On the reverse of that, the UFO operators may not be able to tolerate diseases carried by humans. 

If ancient stories about flying craft are to be believed, the UFOs may have been part of our world for centuries. Considering the behavior of the present occupant of the White House, keeping any exotic materials and power out of the hands of humans is a good idea. The status quo of no contact between humans and UFO occupants should be maintained. 

Reference: Letter by American Investigative Reporter George Knapp to U.S. Congressman Burchett (R-Tn) and members of the committee.

Reference: Russian UFO engagements, secret ‘Tic Tac” report and 3 key figures slip under the radar at Congressional hearing, 29 July 2023, FOXNEWS by Chris Eberhart.

UFOs new name, Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) 

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