What a Week!March 30, 2009This was one of those weeks with too much input. It seemed that every day there was a new assault on our freedom, our constitutional rights, our economic well-being, or our national sovereignty. All of these were either ignored by the liberal media or brushed over. I could easily have written ten columns and not run out of important subjects. Since all of the issues are important and I don't have enough time to address them in detail, I will headline them and give a summary of the most important information. OBAMA DOUBLES THE DEFICIT Obama promised us that he would cut the deficit in half, but his $3.6 Trillion budget will double it $2 Trillion. His strategy is clear. He will spend trillions of our tax dollars advancing his far-left agenda, and then blame the deficit on the Bush administration. He will conveniently forget to mention that the Democrats controlled Congress for the last two years, and that they wrote the legislation that accounts for the majority of the current deficit. Next year, having already gotten most of what he wants, he will spend less and the deficit will drop back to where it was when he took office. And he will have the nerve to claim that he kept his promise and cut the budget in half! Obama campaigned on being a Washington outsider, and promised to change the way business is done in our nation's capitol. But his "double the budget and then cut it in half" strategy is what Senator Jim DeMint calls "Typical Washington Double-Speak." It is all designed to take our minds of the fact that the Democrat-controlled Congress has spent $1 Billion PER HOUR since the first of the year. WHITE HOUSE PUSHES FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER If anyone doubts that Obama is an internationalist and no patriot, they need only look at the announcement his administration made this week concerning a "Major Economic forum on Energy and Climate issues" to be held this July. According to the White House spokesman, in addition to the economic ministers of the major economies, the Secretary General of the UN has been invited to "Help generate the political leadership necessary to achieve a successful outcome at the UN Climate Change negotiations" this December in Denmark. As a prelude to the negotiations in Denmark, a major new UN document will be distributed next week at the G20 Economic Summit in Bonn, Germany. It envisions reordering of the world economy. It calls for wealth transfer, new international taxes, relocation of industry to undeveloped nations, and new tariffs and subsidies. All of this will, of course, be under the supervision of the United Nations, which sees itself as a World Government. This will be the worst assault on our national sovereignty in the history of the United States. And Obama supports it. A major goal of the Bonn summit is to pressure the US into signing the Kyoto Accords. For those who don't remember, the one-sided Accords required the US to severely limit the amount of carbon emissions from its power and industrial plants, while allowing the undeveloped countries that are the majority in the UN to go about business as usual. Since these countries are the greatest polluters, and since the US uses the best pollution-control technology in the world, we wisely refused to sign this economic suicide document. (It would have put the United States at an insurmountable economic disadvantage in world trade.) Since signing the Kyoto Accords is against the interests of the US, and since it would weaken us economically and move us toward one-world government I expect that Obama will sign it (if not now, in the future). Finally, Obama had announced plans to "encourage" (read push) the G20 nations to spend another $2 Trillion to "stimulate" the world economy. He has since backed off because of the very vocal backlash from leaders of those nations. France and other Socialist nations have said that the world cannot spend its way out of recession. (Imagine: Socialist countries criticizing the US for its Socialist actions!) The President of the Czech Republic (who is also the current President of the G20) has called Obama's economic plan "The road to hell." ADMINISTRATION PLANS WELFARE FOR TERRORISTS Obama is stuck with his stupid, hasty decision to close down the terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. To please his leftist base, he issued an Executive Order to close the base soon after he took office. The only problem was that he didn't have a clue as to what to do with the terrorists. Fortunately for Obama (but unfortunately for the nation) White House Intelligence Director Admiral Dennis Blair has a plan. He wants them to live in YOUR neighborhood, and he plans to support them using YOUR tax dollars. Here is a direct quote from this imbecile: "We can't just put them out in the streets." Really? We don't give federal welfare to US felons. Why should we give money to Muslim extremists who have vowed to kill every American possible? At least 10% of the terrorists released from Gitmo are known to have signed up for more terrorist missions. Two facts to keep in mind about this: 1) These are only the ones that we know about. The real number could be much higher than 10%. 2) The terrorists that have been released so far were ones that intelligence officials hoped were no longer a danger to the US. The ones that are left (the ones Obama has promised to release) are the ones that our intel officers were afraid to release. So, if you have an empty house or apartment that you would like to rent to the US government, Admiral Blair would be happy to rent it for the terrorists. But in case Obama and company can't find US citizens willing to take in these poor, misunderstood zealots, I have a suggestion for him. Let them live with the people who voted for Obama. After all, they're the ones who made this horror possible. BIDEN HANGS OUT WITH SOCIALISTS Today on the network news there was a casual mention of the fact that the Vice-President of the United States is in Chile this week meeting with the leaders of South American and European Socialist nations! I guess he's down there networking, hoping to get tips on how to run a Socialist United States. This is disgusting. It sends a very clear signal as to the direction the Obama administration plans to take our nation. CATHOLICS BOYCOTT OBAMA Notre Dame, a large Catholic University, has extended an invitation to Obama to speak at their commencement ceremony, where they plan to give him an honorary Doctor of Law degree. This is a direct violation of an order handed down by the Catholic Bishops, which prohibits any Catholic institution from honoring pro-death politicians. Obama is the most bloodthirsty person ever to occupy the White House. He not only pushes abortion and research that uses human embryos; he even fought for legislation that requires hospital to kill babies accidentally born alive during a failed abortion. And he is currently dismantling a Bush Executive Order that allowed doctors and nurses in Catholic hospitals to refuse to participate in abortions. If Obama succeeds, medical personnel who refuse to perform abortions for religious reasons can lose their licenses and even face criminal charges. Why Notre Dame chose to honor a man with no honor is anyone's guess. But Catholics across the nation are hopping mad. The Cardinal Newman Society has organized "40 Days of Protests" over Notre Dame's terrible decision. Within the first three days after the invitation was made public 18,000 Catholics had joined the nationwide campaign. Bishop Darcy, the bishop of the diocese where the University is located, always attends the commencement there. But this year he is boycotting it. And as of today, well over 210,000 Catholics have signed a petition protesting Notre Dames unconscionable invitation. You can sign it at www.NotreDameScandal.com. BLAME THE VICTIMS Four Oakland, California police officers were killed by a parolee named Lovelle Mixon during and after a routine traffic stop. So guess who is being demonstrated AGAINST following this tragedy? You guessed it - the police officers. There is no question about the facts. Mixon shot the officer who stopped him in cold blood. During the ensuing attempt to arrest him, he shot several more officers, three of whom died, and was he was himself killed. But protesters, including the murderer's mother, staged a rally to HONOR Mixon. They carried signs proclaiming, "We charge you with Genocide!" and "Stop Police Terror." We live in a crazy world. "TOXIC TIM" GEITHNER REFUSES TO COME CLEAN Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner works for the American people, right? Obviously he doesn't think so. The TARP (Toxic Asset Relief Program) is supposed to be matter of public record. But this week he refused to answer a simple question about how much money is left in the fund. Does he think we don't have a right to know where billions of our tax dollars have gone? Or is the answer simpler? Given the inept way he has handled the Treasury so far, perhaps he just doesn't know! After Obama and Geithner had repeatedly promised details on their bank plan, they finally released them this week. No wonder they dragged their feet! The plan gives most of the profits to the banks, and leaves the taxpayers with most of the risk. It looks like Obama is repaying the bankers who financed his election campaign. CHINESE COMMUNISTS COULD CRUSH BRITAIN From The Times of London: Great Britain's spy chief has revealed that China's giant telecommunications company, Huawei, has the equipment and the know-how to turn off power and water in the British Isles and disrupt food deliveries. In a related story, Canada has discovered a vast electronic spy operation based in Communist China. The network has broken into government and private computer networks in 103 countries, stealing confidential information and documents. Canada couldn't conclusively confirm that the Chinese government is involved. But China is known to pay for the training of Chinese hackers who have disrupted US computer networks in the past. The implications are frightening. If they can hack into government and business computers to steal information, what would stop them from attacking those same countries and businesses? Only the threat of retaliation by the world's only remaining super power. The most alarming fact in all of this is that we now have an administration that is more intent on promoting socialism and one-world government than it is in protecting our nation. The Bush administration spent billions protecting us from cyber attacks. Let's pray that Obama doesn't divert that money to the promotion of windmills and solar-powered automobiles. LIBERALS HATE FREEDOM The building that will replace the Twin Towers in New York City will not be known as Freedom Tower, although that has been the name for the years since the project was conceived. The company that is developing the site says that the name is "Not marketable." Apparently "Freedom" is a dirty word to the sophisticated New York firms they hope to attract to lease space in the new building. OBAMA MANIPULATES THE NEWS MEDIA This is not a surprise, but the blatant ways in which he has violated the First Amendment have surprised even me. The Washington Post reports that in Obama's recent Town Hall event, every one of the people allowed to ask questions were Obama supporters. And all the questioners on the Internet portion (which was supposedly open to everyone in the nation) were identified by the newspaper as Obama backers. One was a member of the Democrat National Committee; another was a businessman who donated to Obama's campaign; and another was a Democrat candidate who endorsed Obama. Obama has decided to bypass the White House Press Corps because they asked challenging questions. At his most recent press conference only certain friendly media were allowed to attend, and many of the major news media were shut out. Obama's people chose the questioners in advance. Any reporter who didn't like the new draconian rules was simply uninvited. No president has ever dared to act like this in the past. Obviously, there's a new sheriff in town, and he makes up the laws as he goes. The funny thing is that most of the media is still drooling at his feet. They haven't figured out that their Messiah cares nothing for freedom of the press. Personally, I have no use for the New York Times or USA Today, which were not allowed to attend. But I do care about the millions of Americans who depend on them for news. I imagine they are a somewhat larger group of people than the readers of Ebony Magazine, which was invited. Teleprompter Obama is obviously terrified of unscripted moments. Praised for his eloquence, the man can't string two sentences together without a speechwriter and a teleprompter. Every time he has had to face real questions he has fumbled badly. So now he has decided that the only questions that will be asked of him will be written by his flunkies. OLYMPIC COMMITTEE CAVES IN TO CHINA The International Olympic Committee announced that they have cancelled the long-standing tradition of relays of Olympic torch bearers running across many nations to bring the flame to the Games. China was upset because protesters staged demonstrations against China's abysmal record of human rights violations along the torch route. GM-CHRYSLER ASK FOR DOUBLE DONATIONS So far over $17 Billion has gone down the seemingly bottomless pit of the US carmakers. Now they want us to double what they've received, with more requests sure to come down the road. US auto makes didn't get into trouble due to the current credit crisis. They've been in trouble for a decade. Sales and profits have been dropping steadily over the years. So the crisis was a godsend for them. The government was handing out money like candy, and they got in line. They say they need money because they can't cut costs. But one of their biggest costs is the gold-plated retirement packages negotiated by the unions. Retired auto workers don't just get unbelievable medical plans that rival those of Congress. Unlike 99% of working Americans, they also get free dental care, prescriptions and eye care. "But that's part of their retirement. Don't you care about retired people?" Of course I do. But if the nation had allowed the car companies to go bankrupt (which happens to millions of businesses that don't have buddies in DC), they would have had NO pensions. The unions held the auto makers at gunpoint to get these cushy pension plans along with ridiculously high wages. (Today new union members are paid half as much as these people got.) So shouldn't the unions that bankrupted one of the most profitable industries in our nation take a little less to ensure that the car makers stay in business? And shouldn't our government stop playing god by deciding which business survive and which fail? IRAN HELPING NORTH KOREA TEST US MISSILE President Bush named North Korea and Iran as members of the Axis of Evil. Obama promised to lower the Office of the Presidency by agreeing to meet with the head of terrorist Iran. Having learned that Obama is soft, Iran has sent technical support to North Korea to help them test a missile that could reach US territory. And Obama will do nothing about it.
He has written thousands of articles that have been republished in national newspapers and on hundreds of websites, and is a frequent guest on radio and television shows. His weekly Conservative Truth article (which is read by 250,000) offers a unique viewpoint on social, moral and political issues from a Biblical worldview. This has resulted in invitations to speak internationally at churches, conferences, Money Shows, universities, and on TV (including the 700 Club). “Dr. Tom,” as his readers and followers affectionately refer to him, has a passion for teaching, as you can see from his ministry website (www.ChristianFinancialConcepts.com); his patriotic site (www.ConservativeTruth.org); and his business site (www.GoldenArtTreasures.com). Tom's friend Dr. Lance Wallnau wrote of him, "Tom Barrett is a Renaissance man with a passion for subject matter ranging from finance to theology and American history." Visit Dr. Tom Barrett's website at www.DrTom.TV