"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Make a Decision – or Get Out of the Way

September 1, 2014

There is an age-old question the answer to which has baffled philosophers for centuries. If a man is in the woods and his wife is not with him, is he still wrong?
I think the White House has been using similar thinking. If ISIS is not in the news – even though we have been watching it grow for over four years – does it really exist?

Obama seems to be surprised that ISIS exists and is murdering thousands of civilians. He claims that he heard about it on the news, just like we did. But he has at his disposal the most sophisticated intelligence apparatus ever available to a world leader. He has known about the danger that ISIS poses to the Middle East, Europe and the US for at least four years. And he has been receiving daily security briefs on the ISIS threat for at least a year, according to a Pentagon official. But he is finally doing something about it now because the only people he answers to – the media – have started reporting on it.
Let’s take a short walk down Iraq & Syria memory lane:
  1. The United States encouraged the Iraqi people to rise up against the murderous Saddam Hussein.
  2. We sent in 250,000 ground troops and countless tanks and aircraft to free the nation and allow their first free elections.
  3. Our generals advised keeping a residual force to keep the peace there.
  4. But Obama had campaigned on removing all of our troops from Iraq. So he failed to negotiate a Status of Forces agreement that would have allowed us to keep a minimum force in place.
  5. For the last four years ISIS has been growing in strength, both in Iraq and Syria.
  6. When Obama proclaimed his “Red Line” in Syria, the Muslims laughed. When they crossed the line he did not respond with military force as he had promised to do. (See LINK below.)
  7. ISIS is based in Syria. If Obama had kept his word, he could have decimated this barbarous group.
  8. FOX News had been reporting on ISIS for some time. But when ISIS started showing up on the Obama-dominated Liberal news media he was forced to do something. He waited until tens of thousands of Christians were trapped on a mountain top and threatened with extinction before he dropped some food and water to them, and made some token air strikes on ISIS positions.
The main thing to remember here is that if Obama had listened to his military experts, we would not be facing this situation today. Listen to what King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia just said about ISIS:
“If neglected, I am certain that after a month they will reach Europe and, after another month, America,” the king declared in remarks reported August 30 by official Saudi media.“Terror knows no borders and its danger could affect several countries outside the Middle East.”

Obama’s response? Renewed calls to raise the minimum wage. He proclaimed, “The US built the greatest middle class the world has ever known by ensuring that all hard-working Americans can get ahead.” Sorry, Obama. It wasn’t the government telling businesses how much to pay their employees that built our middle class. It was entrepreneurs and innovators who built the companies that gave them jobs. It was Capitalism, something you have made clear that you despise.
Think about this, Mr. President. Less than 3% of Americans are paid the minimum wage. 100% of Americans are in danger of being attack by ISIS.
Judicial Watch reports that ISIS is already operational in Mexico, just a simple border crossing away from attacking us. Our intelligence community reports that between 100 and 200 of the ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria are US citizens. What will they do when their training is complete and the head terrorist tells them to use their US passports and go back home to attack “The Great Satan”?
But our president is so disconnected from reality that he thinks the pressing issue of the day (besides his three-week golf vacation) is the minimum wage! US journalist James Foley is beheaded on YouTube. Obama gives a short press conference about how beheading is bad. Then an hour later he is photographed on the golf course yukking it up and high-fiving his buddies. Cut his vacation a few days short because the Middle East is exploding? No way.
But British Prime Minister David Cameron returned from his vacation just one day after Foley was beheaded. Why? Foley was an American. Cameron came back simply because the murderer had a British accent! The Brits treated him like a hero because he showed that he cared. The great majority of Americans think Obama is not just spineless, but heartless, as well.
Unfortunately all of this is just the tip of an iceberg that could end up annihilating the United States. Obama does not understand the threat that radical Islam poses to the US homeland. When Major Nidal Hassan killed 13 and injured 30 at Fort Hood Army base in Texas, he declared it to be “workplace violence.”
I ignored the fact that Hassan was dressed in Muslim religious garb and scream “Allahu Akbar!” (Allah is great!) when he started murdering Americans. I wonder if Obama is rethinking his workplace violence decree now that Hassan has applied to be a citizen of ISIS.
Obama and Hillary denied that the murder of four Americans in Benghazi (including the first Ambassador killed on duty in three decades) was terrorism. They blamed it on a roving mob inflamed by a cartoonish video, and continued doing so for weeks after it was proven that the attack was a carefully coordinated terrorist attack by well-armed Islamists.
Why would a seemingly intelligent man continue to lie about terrorism in the face of facts that are indisputable? It all goes back to his victory dance after US Special Forces killed Osama bin Laden. “Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive!” was his boast, oft-repeated. He also told us that al Qaeda had been decimated.
It soon became apparent that killing an old man hiding in Pakistan had not ended terrorism. It also became very clear that al Qaeda was alive and well, with lots of new leaders.
So suddenly a new group was invented by the White House: “Core al Qaeda.” It turns out that Core Al Qaeda had been defeated, decimated, crushed, annihilated, devastated, destroyed, and so on. But these pesky “splinter” al Qaeda groups had somehow escaped Obama’s heroic efforts. And he blamed this on the military!
I have heard commentators speculate that, as much as Obama does for Muslims, both by protecting them and by acting as their PR agent to the world, perhaps he is secretly a Muslim himself. I don’t think that is the case. If it were, he would be a good Muslim, because their religion teaches that it is OK to lie if it is for Allah.
I think the truth is far worse. I believe that once he has declared something to be true, he is simply incapable of acknowledging that he has made a mistake. For him, it is all about politics. And if the nation suffers as a result of his lies, that’s just too bad. He has his “legacy” to worry about.
Have you ever noticed how whenever he screws something up, it is ALWAYS someone else’s fault? Veterans dying because they are put on months’ long waiting lists? It’s the VA’s fault. Foreign policy mistakes? That stupid state department! The IRS persecutes Christian and Conservative Groups? Fire the Director.
And now the latest. Obama –in a rare moment of candor – admitted on August 28 that he has “no strategy” for dealing with ISIS. When asked about dealing with ISIS in Syria, where their bases are, instead of the current pinprick strikes in Iraq, he said, “I don't want to put the cart before the horse. We don't have a strategy yet.”
Then he blamed the military for this. Obama said that military leaders are presenting him with a "range of options" for addressing the Islamic State. I’m sorry, but that is pure garbage.
The Pentagon ALWAYS has a contingency plan EVERYTHING. They have rooms full of contingency plans for every possible scenario. Top military leaders are furious that Obama made it seem that they are dithering around trying to find a solution. They have presented him with many scenarios; he just hasn’t had time to do focus groups with Democrat voters to see which would get the most Democrats elected in November.
A top Islamic Imam has stated publicly that Shariah Law (complete with beheadings and honor killings) is coming to the United States to “free you from the shackles of Christianity.” The Muslim King of Saudi Arabia has warned us that ISIS will be in the United States spreading terror in a matter of months. And Obama doesn’t have a strategy?
The British Prime Minister is taking action (more on that in a later article). And top Democrats are demanding action. Senator Diane Feinstein, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, stated that she agreed with Lindsay Graham and John McCain’s article criticizing the president for “dithering.” She told NBC, “I think I've learned one thing about this president, and that is he's very cautious. Maybe in this instance, too cautious,” 
The interviewer reminded her that Obama referred to ISIS as a “J.V” (Junior Varsity) team. Feinstein said that ISIS is definitely a Major Varsity team. “I’ve seen nothing that compares with its viciousness…This is really the first group that has the wherewithal in terms of financing, heavy equipment and explosives, and the ability to move quickly. They crossed over into Iraq before we even knew about it. They are extraordinarily dangerous, and they kill with abandon.”
I’ll give you a strategy, Mr. Commander-in-Chief. According to military experts, you already missed the opportunity to use air power only and carpet bomb these murderers. At that point they were still largely grouped together staging for their attacks on Iraqi towns. Now they’ve dispersed, so we’re going to have to go in on the ground again as well as attack from the air. ISIS cannot be “contained” – you have to completely destroy them. And the longer you spend making up your mind, the more people will die.
If you can’t make up your mind, resign. Even Joe Biden would be able to make a decision this simple: Kill them before they kill us.
A VITAL PRAYER REQUEST: I have received a credible communication from Morningstar Ministries in which a missionary, Sean Malone of Crisis Relief International, describes the horrors being inflicted upon Christians in the area the ministry serves in Iraq. He states in a text message, “Our team is unmoved and will stay. Prayer cover needed!" Please pray that our Lord will protect His precious ones, and that His enemies will be conquered.
Obama’s Blurry “Red Line” by FactCheck.org
ISIS terrorists could be in America in just months if 'neglected,' warns Saudi king

Obama under fire for admitting no 'strategy yet' for ISIS


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Dr. Tom Barrett is a pastor, teacher, author, conference keynote speaker, professor, certified executive coach, and marketplace minister. His teaching and coaching have blessed both church and business leaders. He has been ordained for over 40 years, and has pastored in seven churches over that time. Today he “pastors pastors” as he oversees ordained and licensed ministers in Florida for his ministerial fellowship.

He has written thousands of articles that have been republished in national newspapers and on hundreds of websites, and is a frequent guest on radio and television shows. His weekly Conservative Truth article (which is read by 250,000) offers a unique viewpoint on social, moral and political issues from a Biblical worldview. This has resulted in invitations to speak internationally at churches, conferences, Money Shows, universities, and on TV (including the 700 Club).

“Dr. Tom,” as his readers and followers affectionately refer to him, has a passion for teaching, as you can see from his ministry website (www.ChristianFinancialConcepts.com); his patriotic site (www.ConservativeTruth.org); and his business site (www.GoldenArtTreasures.com). Tom's friend Dr. Lance Wallnau wrote of him, "Tom Barrett is a Renaissance man with a passion for subject matter ranging from finance to theology and American history."
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