Black Racists Endanger Cops & CommunitiesAugust 31, 2015In what can only be described as a vicious hate crime, a black man in Houston, Texas, shot white Deputy Sheriff Darren Goforth in the back of his head, then stood over his body and continued firing. Some will say, “Hate crimes are only when whites kill blacks.” That kind of thinking is not only foolish, it is dangerous. Black men are murdering police officers in unprecedented numbers for no reason other than the dangerous rhetoric coming from the “Black Lives Matter” group and prominent black “leaders.” We may never know whether the fact that Deputy Goforth was white was a factor in his murder, but we can be sure that the fact that he was “blue” was. Goforth was filling the gas tank of his cruiser when a coward with a long rap sheet sneaked up behind him and executed him. There was no confrontation. Goforth was simply slain because he was a police officer in uniform. Houston Sheriff Ron Hickman blamed the shooting on “some very dangerous national rhetoric that’s out there today.” In a press conference he said, “Our system of justice demands that law enforcement be present to protect our community. So when the rhetoric ramps up to the point where we have calculated, cold-blooded assassinations of police officers, this rhetoric has gotten out of control. We’ve heard that black lives matter…Well, cop’s lives matter, too. So why don’t we just drop the qualifier and say “lives matter?” Whose rhetoric was Sheriff Hickman condemning? Obviously the Black Lives Matter Group. But Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the notorious race entrepreneurs who pretend to be ministers, also bear a tremendous amount of responsibility for the rising number of police deaths. Race entrepreneurs are people without conscience or morality who use racial divisiveness and hatred to increase their status – and, of course, to profit financially. Courageous black leaders (real leaders) refer to these two as “race baiters” because their rants hurt black people and their communities by stirring up violence and hatred. “The Reverend Jesse Jackson” and “The Reverend Al Sharpton” (as they like to call themselves) are usually referred to in newscasts as “Civil Rights Leaders.” But the civil rights movement was about bettering black people. These two frauds hurt the black community showing up whenever there is a problem in a community and inciting violence with their racial rhetoric. Jackson did study for the ministry, but didn’t complete his courses. He decided to get into politics instead. But a local pastor ordained him anyway, and he calls himself a "minister" even though he has never served as a one. Sharpton was “ordained” by a black minister when he was 10 years old! Like Jackson, he never refers to salvation, Jesus, the Bible or anything else to do with Christianity. An example of his “theology” is as follows:
“White folks was in caves while we was building empires...We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”
“Reverend” Sharpton has parlayed his notoriety into a daily TV show (Politics Nation) on MSNBC which has made him millions. Many times he has started or encouraged riots, and then “reported” on them on his show – an egregious violation of journalistic ethics. The multi-millionaire has profited hugely while impoverishing the black communities he visited. For instance, his presence and the TV coverage he brought were largely responsible for the riots in Ferguson. Now black business owners are ruined, people have no place to shop in their neighborhoods, and hundreds of jobs were lost. “Reverend” Jesse Jackson has used racial divisiveness in an even more insidious way to line his pockets. His Rainbow PUSH Coalition has thousands of supporters who do whatever he tells them to do. Jackson has made millions by approaching corporations and demanding “donations” for the Coalition. If they refuse, he threatens to accuse them of racial discrimination, organize boycotts, and bus in protesters to ruin their businesses. They usually pay the blackmail money, because most people are deathly afraid of being called “racist” – especially by a racist like Jackson. Coca Cola was one of the first victims of his racket; he extorted $30 Million from them. (See article LINK below,) And what about our federal officials? Obama and then Attorney General Eric Holder rushed to judgment in the Ferguson shooting death of Michael Brown. They criticized the police and basically elevated Brown to sainthood, even though the evidence was clear that he attacked Police Officer Darrin Wilson and attempted to wrest away his gun so he could kill him. Even after the grand jury declared that Wilson acted in self-defense and the Justice Department found no civil rights violations, Obama and Holder never apologized or admitted that they were wrong. Obama has had many opportunities to support the law enforcement community, but he fails to do so. For instance, he took time out to phone a football star and congratulate him for “coming out” as a homosexual. But he fails to call the families of slain police officers with condolences. And although he is less obvious about it than others, whenever he thinks he can get away with it he throws police under the bus. This goes all the way back to 2009 when he said a Massachusetts police officer “acted stupidly” when he detained a black man breaking into a house in the night. It later turned out that the man owned the house, but the officer had no way of knowing that. When he jumped to negative conclusions about police in Ferguson before the facts were known, the head of the Fraternal Order of Police slammed him for his hypocrisy. Obama is a lawyer; he should know that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. But Obama seems to hate police, so his default position is always placing the blame on them. Remarking on the Black Lives Matter group's appeal for blacks to murder police officers, the black Sheriff of Milwaukee County, WI, David Clarke, said, “Obama created this mindset. This is true racism, a feeling of black racial superiority to whites.” Not surprisingly, Democrats have come out in support of the radical Black Lives Matter group. On August 28, the same day Deputy Sheriff Darren Goforth was murdered, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) passed a resolution supporting the group. And every major Democrat presidential candidate has held meetings with members of the group, giving the hateful movement credibility. Part of the DNC’s resolution called on Congress to minimize the use of “weapons that were used to police peaceful citizens of Ferguson, Missouri” last summer. I don’t know what live TV broadcasts the DNC saw, but the ones I watched showed the “peaceful citizens” throwing rocks and bottles at police; breaking windows and looting stores; and burning buildings that will take years to replace. I observed police using remarkable restraint. Democrats (including almost all Democrat Congressmen and Senators) perpetuated the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” lie long after it was proven false. They appeared on the steps of the Capitol for a photo opportunity and stood with their hands raised. They made their staffers join them and participate in the farce to draw a larger crowd. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson also promoted this racially divisive lie – just because that’s what they do. There have been six murders of police in the month of August alone. On August 5, in comments to reporters covering the shooting death of a white police officer, Memphis Police Director Toney Armstrong, who is black, strongly criticized the premise of the radical Black Lives Matter group that some lives are more important than others. He didn’t know then just how dangerous the group would become. On a black radio program on August 25, members of Black Lives Matter and another black supremacist group named F***YoFlag called for lynching white people and murdering police. “Find white folks when they’re alone, kill them, take a picture and send it to people.” They said this would “turn the tide” against blacks being killed by cops. The next day a black man killed two white TV reporters. Two days after that, Deputy Goforth was executed, leaving a wife and two children. Hours after his death the local Black Lives Matter group in St. Paul, MN, called for the deaths of more cops. They chanted over and over, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon,” while marching behind a group of police officers assigned to protect them. If you have trouble believing this, watch the video (LINK below). The bottom line of all of this is that Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Democrat presidential candidates and the Democratic National Committee all have police blood on their hands. They have helped create the climate of hatred toward police. And their statements have spawned the anti-police group Black Lives Matter which actively advocates for the murder of police officers. Before I conclude, think about this: Every day millions of brave men and women put on their uniforms and leave their homes, knowing they may never see their families again. But if these murders of police continue or increase, I believe we will see fewer new recruits and older cops retiring early. These people sign up to protect and serve, not to protect and die. As they realize that their own president and many members of Congress don’t support them, and are actually encouraging the radical racist group that is putting their lives in danger, police departments will become smaller and more defensive. The officers, who have seen their brothers gunned down sitting in their cars or responding to a bogus call that turns out to be an ambush, are going to be less willing to get out on the streets. They’ll spend more time back at the station filling out reports or doing anything that will lessen the chance of their children becoming orphans. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live in that country. Obama had better do an immediate about face and start publicly supporting law enforcement. And we should do all we can as citizens to push our local officials to do the same. At a press conference the day after Deputy Goforth was gunned down, District Attorney Devon Anderson spoke these eloquent words. I think they are a fitting end to this article:
“It is time for the silent majority in this country to support law enforcement. There are a few bad apples in every profession. That does not mean that there should be open warfare declared on law enforcement. The vast majority of officers are there to do the right thing, are there because they care about their community and want to make it a safer place. What happened last night is an assault on the very fabric of society.”
INTERNET RESOURCES: VIDEO: Black Lives Matter Group Calls for Killing Police Texas Deputy Executed Days After Black Radical Group Calls for Killing Cops Black Memphis Police Director Rebukes “Black Lives Matter” after White Cop Murdered Killer Fired 17 Shots in Attack that Took Lives of Two TV Reporters The Officer Down Memorial Page Website Honors Fallen Police Officers Al Sharpton in Ferguson to Start Trouble Jesse Jackson’s Shakedown Methods Al Sharpton is as Much a Reverend as I am a Black Man (by Bethany Blankley) New York Times Editor: “I Was Wrong About Our ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ Coverage Head of Fraternal Order of Police Rips Obama for Judging Cops before Facts are Known
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