Trump’s Sexual Vulgarity on TV is the Last StrawMarch 7, 2016Donald Trump recently told reporter Frank Luntz that he has never asked God for forgiveness! Trump said, “Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness if I am not making mistakes?” Well, last Thursday (March 3) he said two things on national television that were so disgusting that even Trump should realize he needs to beg for forgiveness. On Thursday afternoon, referring to Mitt Romney’s speech that was critical of Trump, “the Donald” chose to attack the messenger rather than answering the criticisms. He talked about the fact that he had endorsed Romney and given money to his campaign. And then he said something that you would hear from gang punks in the gutters of Chicago, not in a national interview by someone who wants to occupy the White House. It was the worst insult that any man could make to another. He said, “I could have said. ‘Mitt, drop to your knees.' He would have dropped to his knees.” Trump knew he was going to be asked about the Romney speech, and he was ready with his answer. This was not your usual Trump spouting off whatever comes to his mind at the moment. This was calculated to be as insulting as possible, so make sure everyone understood the vile act to which he referred without actually using the words and getting himself arrested for public indecency. His sycophants roared with laughter at the crude joke. To their credit some in the audience were so disgusted that they booed Trump and were removed by his personal security agents. Trump’s supporters make the weak case that Trump probably meant he could have made Romney get on his knees and beg for his endorsement. I’m not buying it. First of all, that wouldn’t have been funny. And Trump’s audience was beside itself with laughter. Second, he didn’t say, “Get on your knees.” He said, “Drop to your knees.” That phrase has a distinct meaning. It is shorthand for “Drop to your knees and ____ __” I don’t think I need to discuss it further, except to say that it is widely understood to mean a particularly loathsome act. You can see Romney’s speech in the links below. He did not make the kind of vicious, vulgar attacks on Trump that Trump regularly makes about anyone who disagrees with him. Romney was a gentleman. He talked about the many economic and trade promises that Trump has made, and the fact that he gives no specifics on how they can be implemented or paid for. He showed how these policies would cause economic devastation to the US. He did speak about Trump’s numerous bankruptcies, and the many other businesses that – while they did not go bankrupt – nevertheless failed. Romney also talked about the fraudulent Trump “University” for which Trump is being sued by 5,000 of the 7,000 students who paid $35,000 to attend, and who say they were taught none of the things that Trump personally promised they would learn. But he even did that in a calm, civilized manner. Later that evening Trump outdid his earlier despicable display – and he did it during the Republican debate! Our whole family was watching, and I was embarrassed that my teenage daughter had to see a grown man acting like a punk kid in a schoolyard, bragging about things that decent people don’t speak about. Let me lay out the background for this. Trump has been belittling Rubio, constantly referring to him in the debates as “Little Rubio,” talking about his big ears, and many other childish jabs. After months of suffering Trump’s personal insults, in the last few weeks Marco Rubio did something foolish – he got down in the gutter with Trump. I’m not talking about policy issues. Whenever Trump occasionally tired of throwing around insults and actually spoke about something Americans care about – his position on matters of national policy – Rubio fought back and always got the upper hand. I’m talking about personal insults that have no place in the debate for the highest office in the land. On my Facebook page (DrTomTV) I recently posted some Biblical advice for all our presidential candidates: “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult.” (I Peter 3:9). Rubio had followed that advice for months, but he finally started repaying Trump’s months of insults. He referred to Trump flying around in “Hair Force One.” He said in a speech, “Donald is not going to make America great – he’s going to make it orange!” (a reference to Trump’s weird spray tan). These were childish insults, but harmless. But then he made a mistake. He made fun of the fact that for such a big man, Trump has very small hands. “You know what they say about men with small hands. You can’t trust them.” He got huge laughter for this. Rubio’s supporters say he didn’t mean anything off-color. “Take it at face value. He just meant you can’t trust Trump.” Come on, people. That’s ridiculous. There is no such saying about people with small hands not being trustworthy. The saying is that a man with small hands is not well-endowed (to put it delicately). Rubio knew this. His crowd knew it (that’s why they laughed so hard). It was stupid of Rubio to say that, because it brought him down to Trump’s level. Not to be outdone, Trump took the discourse deeper into the sewer. In front of millions of people, including children, he bragged about just how well-endowed he is (as if we cared). Millions of people were outraged when Bill Clinton was foolish enough to answer a reporter’s question about whether he wore jockey shorts or briefs. They felt (and I agree) that this was far below the dignity of the office of the presidency. Well, Trump out-Clintoned Clinton. As sleazy as Bill Clinton was, even he never bragged about the size of his private parts publicly. Most of you are familiar with a well-respected minister named Max Lucado whom many refer to as “America’s Pastor.” He stays out of politics, saying, “People don’t attend my church to hear my views on a presidential candidate.” He has never endorsed or opposed a presidential candidate in 30 years of ministry. So why did he break his silence and write an article about Trump entitled, “Decency for President.” His answer: “It’s not a question about particular policies or strategies about government or even particular opinions. It’s a case of public derision of people. It’s belittling people publicly. It would be none of my business, I would have absolutely no right to speak up except that he repeatedly brandishes the Bible and calls himself a Christian.” Trump brags, "I have great relationship with God. I have great relationship with the Evangelicals." I would argue that most evangelicals who support Trump are what I call “cultural evangelicals.” They attend evangelical churches, but they are more concerned about economic and political issues than they are the character of the man they vote for. I believe that for a committed Christian, character is the single most important issue, because the character of the person in the White House has such a profound impact on the character of the nation. I wish we could, but we can’t always have a born-again Christian in the Oval Office. But we can vote for the most moral person – and we have a duty to do so. Here is what the Scripture says about people who speak as Trump does: “The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.” (James 3:5) In James 1:6, the Word says, “Anyone who says he is a Christian but doesn’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth anything.” Finally, Jesus Himself said, “The mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” (Matthew 12:34) From the words that come out of Trump’s mouth, is clear that Trump’s heart is full of hatred, derision and mockery. I was already upset about Trump’s praise for Planned Parenthood, which kills more babies than any other organization; for saying that John McCain was not a war hero; for mocking a disabled reporter; for referring to women he doesn’t like as “fat pigs” and “disgusting animals”; and by the fact that he calls himself a Christian but he owns strip clubs. But last Thursday was too much. If he would say such vile things while running for office, think of how he would act if he were the most powerful man in the world. America is already reeling from seven years of Obama. The world is laughing at us. Imagine the derision we would experience if we allowed Trump to perform his antics, not on a debate stage, but in the White House as the chief representative of the United States of America. (PUBLISHERS NOTE: As our Editor-in-Chief has expressed, Conservative Truth has not tried to influence the Republican primaries. Our authors are all Conservatives, but there are many different opinions among Conservatives. Different ones have expressed their preference for different candidates, and we encourage such healthy discourse. As the Publisher, I have tried particularly hard to keep my feelings to myself. But, like Max Lucado – who wrote his article before last Thursday’s dual Trump outrages, I finally decided that enough is enough.) INTERNET RESOURCES: Trump: “Why Do I Have to Repent or Ask for Forgiveness If I Am Not Making Mistakes?” Trump Says He Doesn’t Ask God for Forgiveness. “I don’t bring God into that picture.” “I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness. I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad.” Max Lucado’s Article: Decency for President Why Max Lucado Broke His Political Silence for Trump Anti-Trump Ad Shows him Cursing 10 Times in 30 Seconds (NOTE: "F" words are "bleeped") Six Times as Many Protestant Pastors Prefer Cruz instead of Trump Trump: ”John McCain was not a war hero.” Trump Mocks a Reporter’s Disability (VIDEO) Transcript of Mitt Romney’s Speech on Donald Trump (Video included) Trump praises Planned Parenthood – again. He admits he's not a 'perfect conservative.'
He has written thousands of articles that have been republished in national newspapers and on hundreds of websites, and is a frequent guest on radio and television shows. His weekly Conservative Truth article (which is read by 250,000) offers a unique viewpoint on social, moral and political issues from a Biblical worldview. This has resulted in invitations to speak internationally at churches, conferences, Money Shows, universities, and on TV (including the 700 Club). “Dr. Tom,” as his readers and followers affectionately refer to him, has a passion for teaching, as you can see from his ministry website (; his patriotic site (; and his business site ( Tom's friend Dr. Lance Wallnau wrote of him, "Tom Barrett is a Renaissance man with a passion for subject matter ranging from finance to theology and American history." Visit Dr. Tom Barrett's website at www.DrTom.TV