To say that this has been a horrible week for Hillary Clinton’s campaign would be a significant understatement. To say that I feel sorry for her would be an outright lie. She has used every filthy trick in the book (and some never before seen) to try to claw her way into the White House. It’s about time she experienced some of the pain she has inflicted on others for three decades.
The difference between what she has done to so many who stood in her way, and the comeuppance she has experienced this week is stark. In almost every case where she abused others (for example, her character assassination of the women her husband abused), her victims were completely innocent. But the revelations that have emerged about her perfidy, particularly in the last week, are all of her own making.
FBI Director James Comey has opened another investigation concerning Hillary Clinton. Millions of Americans were outraged when Comey first laid out a damning indictment against Clinton in the case of her illegal email server (in which she endangered national security by sending classified emails through an insecure system); and then contradicted himself by recommending that she not be prosecuted. Of course, the Democrats praised him for following Obama’s orders in this regard.
Today these same Democrats are cursing Comey and attempting to besmirch his character for notifying Congress that new information has forced him to reopen his probe of Hillary’s actions. Comey had promised Congress that he would update them if new evidence emerged, and he did so – despite the Obama administration claiming it is against “Justice Department policy” to keep Congress informed.
The new evidence was thousands of emails found on the home computer shared by Clinton’s closest confidant, Huma Abedin and her pedophile husband Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner. While investigating Weiner for sending explicit photos of himself to a 15-year-old girl, the FBI seized four computers which contained emails that Abedin forwarded from her secure government email to her very insecure Yahoo account. Not only did this potentially expose government secrets to hacking, but sending them to a shared home computer allowed her husband (who did not have the secret clearances Abedin had) access to them.
Hillary Clinton has always claimed that the first criminal investigation was a normal “security audit.” But the FBI made it clear that they don’t do audits; they investigate crimes. Similarly, her campaign is saying about this second investigation that there is no link to Hillary. They claim that it is all about Huma Abedin (who is now in hiding). If that were the case, why did Comey feel obligated to keep his promise to Congress and send the notification that a second investigation had been opened?
Unfortunately for Clinton, this huge announcement was just the icing on a three-layer cake of terrible news that may well torpedo her campaign…
Hillary is scheduled to speak in Arizona on Halloween. I imagine she regrets that booking in the face of the revelation that ObamaCare premiums in Arizona will increase by more than double – 116% – in 2017. And premiums will be increased by double digits nationwide. On her website, Clinton
promises to "defend and expand the Affordable Care Act." She also promises a “public option” – which is Liberal code for Canadian-style taxpayer-funded health care for all.
But in a recent speech, her own husband called ObamaCare crazy. "So you've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It's the craziest thing in the world," Bill Clinton stated. And with good reason:
Enrollment in the exchanges has fallen far short of the levels needed for the program to survive. The people who have enrolled are far older, and in need of far more care, than Democrats claimed would be the case. Many major insurers are pulling out of ObamaCare altogether. Premiums are shooting up. And deductibles are skyrocketing, meaning that citizens are forced to pay most (or in many cases
all) of their health care costs themselves.
Two weeks ago I wrote an article on this subject: “The Clintons Despise Almost Everyone: Catholics, Evangelicals, Jews, Latinos, Southerners, Blacks, Workers & Millennials.” Rather than repeating that information, I suggest that you read the article.
The emails to and from Hillary’s campaign manager, John Podesta, have been leaking out for weeks. They have shown Hillary and her closest advisors to be contemptuous of almost everyone, including Bernie Sanders and Hillary’s own supporters. But this week’s revelations show that even her own team distrusts Clinton and many of them think she is incompetent.
In one email the head of a Liberal “progressive” organization, Neera Tanden, wrote to Podesta angrily asking why Hillary stated that she is a “moderate” Democrat. Podesta replied that Hillary told him she “didn't remember saying it. Not sure I believe her.” Tanden replied, “It worries me more that she doesn't seem to know what planet we are all living in.”
Other revelations: Chelsea Clinton admitted to Podesta in an email that the Clinton team’s emails were compromised while they were in China – even though Hillary has sworn that her emails were “never compromised.” Hillary called for a “no-fly zone” in Syria in a debate; but in a secret speech to Goldman Sachs in 2013 she admitted that Syria’s sophisticated air defense systems made that impossible. And, although she recently called for a 550% increase in the number of Muslim refugees admitted to the US, in a speech to the United Jewish Fund she admitted, “They can't possibly vet all those refugees so they don't know if, you know, jihadists are coming in along with legitimate refugees.”
Finally, in a 2013 speech to Mediacorp, the text of which was leaked, Hillary admits that the majority of donations to her two foundations were from foreigners. This is particularly damning since foreign governments are not allowed to donate to American political campaigns. Clinton got around this by having foreigners donate to her foundation and pay her or Bill personally to give speeches. In this way, foreign governments could influence her decisions while she was Secretary of State and potentially have leverage over the White House.
Wall Street financial analyst and investment advisor Charles Ortel – described by the Sunday Times of London as “one of the finest analysts of financial statements on the planet,” spent months untangling the often contradictory published financial disclosures of the Clinton Foundation. His conclusion: “This is a charity fraud.”
It doesn’t take a financial genius to see this. Just listen to Hillary’s own statement: In an ABC interview with Diane Sawyer she said, “We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt. We had no money when we got there, and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for Chelsea’s education. It was not easy.”
I was almost moved to tears when I read this. These poor people! But then I remembered that they are worth $250 Million today. What happened? Did they start a successful business that employed thousands of Americans? Did they produce anything, build anything? How did they go from “dead broke” and “in debt” to having a net worth of a quarter of a Billion dollars in 16 years?
The answer is that they talked. They gave speeches and people paid them millions of dollars to hear them. No, wait – that can’t be right. Bill is only mildly amusing, and you’d have to pay me to sit through one of Hillary’s deadly boring speeches. So, if the money wasn’t for inspiring speeches, what was it for?
When businesses want to pay someone a commission, but it’s not legal for them to do so, they call it a “consulting fee”. In domestic and international politics, governments and businesses pay millions for a speech they don’t care about. But in reality the fee for the speech is payment for current or future business or political favors – also known as “pay to play”.
The Clinton Foundation has taken over $100 Million from Muslim nations, many of which support terrorism and all of which subjugate women (whom Hillary claims to champion). Between 2003 and 2008 Bill Clinton had a business relationship with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the dictator of Dubai, who paid Clinton $15 Million. And of course, there’s the $30 million given to the Clintons by four billionaire Saudis and two Mideast foundations. National security analyst Patrick Poole has said, "These regimes are buying access. There are massive conflicts of interest. It's beyond comprehension."
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn has formally requested that the FBI, the IRS and the Federal Trade Commission open Public Corruption investigations into the Clintons and their Foundation. Among the allegations in her letters:
One of the board members of the International Youth Fund is Laureate International University’s founder, Douglas Becker. The Fund received more than $55 million in grants from the U.S. Agency for International Development while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. The for-profit private university has given up to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. It also paid Bill Clinton $16.5 Million to serve as its “honorary chairman.” (What does an “honorary chairman” do – besides collecting $16.5 Million?) In addition, the very profitable Laureate University paid Bill $3.5 Million a year to serve as its “honorary chancellor.”
In a direct threat to national security, Hillary Clinton, while Secretary of State, approved the sale of 20% of all U.S. uranium to Uranium One, a Russian company, whose chairman donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation. Selling one-fifth of the U.S.’s ability to produce nuclear weapons to one of our most dangerous enemies borders on treason.
There’s a reason why the Obama administration made Clinton sign a document governing how her duties as a public official would relate to her family foundation, and requiring that her activities for each would remain completely separate. Unfortunately, the Clintons, both of whom are lawyers, have figured out a multitude of ways to get around the provisions of that agreement.
For instance, while she was Secretary of State more than half of the private audiences she granted were to donors of her Foundation. She should have resigned from the Board while she headed State, but only did so when she started her run for the White House. Bill has said he will resign from the Foundation if she wins on November 8, but their daughter Chelsea will remain. So the Clinton’s will still remain firmly in control of what is supposed to be a charitable foundation – but which they treat as a family business.
When Hillary Clinton made her tax returns public, they showed that the Clinton’s gave an impressive $1.042 Million to charity. Impressive, that is, until you notice that $1 Million of that money (98%) went to the Clinton Family Foundation. Which begs the question: Should they receive a tax deduction for “donations” to an organization they own and control?
Finally, among the nine resources listed below, the most important is “Inside ‘Clinton Inc.’: Memo Reveals Intersection of Charity and Personal Income.” In one of the Podesta emails Hillary’s daughter Chelsea complained that Bill Clinton’s business associates were hitting up Foundation donors for various deals, thus reducing the amount of money she thought her parents should get. She was also concerned that former NJ Governor Jon Corzine, who embezzled $6 Billion from his financial clients, was donating $125,000 per month to the Foundation until the month before his company (MF Global) went bankrupt. In response, Douglass Band wrote a secret memo about how he and his partner in a “consulting firm” named Teneo raised money for both the Foundation and for the Clintons personally.
The Chairman of the RNC has stated that the Clintons received millions from their foundation. That is untrue, in the strictest interpretation. Had they taken the money directly from the Foundation they would have been exposed. But Bill and Hillary are much slicker than that.
In the memo Band describes how Teneo – which was only one of the Clintons’ many fundraisers – raised $8 Million for the Foundation, and twisted the donors’ arms to get $3 Million in speaking fees that went directly to the Clintons. The 8 to 3 ratio doesn’t look good – but the truth was far worse. He also bragged that he had also negotiated contracts that would pay the Clintons another $66 Million over the following nine years – from the same donors. And this is just one example.
So the Clinton’s didn’t need to take money directly from the Foundation. Their association with it enabled them to grow their bank account from zero (if you believe Hillary) to a quarter of a Billion dollars. Of course, that’s just what they have received so far. There’s no way to determine how many hundreds of millions they have contracts to receive in the future.
And then there’s the White House. Selling influence over the State Department for a few hundred million is chump change compared to what might be coming. Imagine a President Hillary selling the Oval Office to the highest bidder. Think of the Billions she could make selling favors to China, Russia and the Muslim world. That would make Bill’s corruption look like Junior Varsity stuff.
A Wall Street Journal article about Hillary’s corruption ends with this statement: “Americans deserve to know whether the person they may put into the White House this November is merely a misunderstood career public servant - or a pocket-lining career criminal.” |
VIDEO: Bill Clinton Calls Obamacare “The Craziest Thing in the World”
ARTICLE: The Clintons Despise Almost Everyone: Catholics, Evangelicals, Jews, Latinos, Southerners, Blacks, Workers & Millennials
EXPOSE: Podesta files: Top 10 Revelations from Leaked Clinton Campaign Emails
CNN: WikiLeaks Posts More John Podesta Emails
ARTICLE: Scandal Without End: Is The Clinton Foundation A Fraud?
Representative Marsha Blackburn Seeks Public Corruption Probe of Clinton Foundation
What Bill and Hillary Clinton's Controversial Foundation Actually Does
Clinton Connection Could Doom For-Profit Laureate University’s IPO
Inside ‘Clinton Inc.’: Memo Reveals Intersection of Charity and Personal Income