RINOs Win the Day for Kavanaugh - and the CourtSenators' Passionate Speeches Saved Kavanaugh NominationOctober 8, 2018![]() Senators Susan Collins and Lindsay Graham are often referred to as "RINO's (Republican In Name Only) because they often vote with the Democrats. But this week speeches they gave saved the nomination of Judge (now Justice) Brett Kavanaugh. And in so doing they likely saved the credibility of the Supreme Court itself. It is true that at times their Republican colleagues have described these two as RINO’s. Collins has often frustrated the Conservative agenda by being too chummy with the Democrats and voting against measures that would have advanced freedom, as well as Biblical and Constitutional principles. Her record of voting with the Trump agenda – which America sent him to DC to push through – has only been 79%. Graham has taken many hits for his close association with the late John McCain, considered by many to be the most liberal Republican in Congress. His record of voting with the Trump agenda was at 83% - the fifth worst for a Republican. Even though his voting record was better than Graham’s, he was often a thorn in the side of the President. But I believe they voted as they did out of conscience. They weren’t Trump haters like Jeff Flake – whose record of voting yes on Conservative issues was as bad as McCain’s. While their votes have often been misguided, they supported or opposed measures on what they felt was best for the nation. When they saved the Kavanaugh nomination, they also did so out of conscience. Listen to their two speeches linked below. You can sense their sincerity. They knew they would lose a lot by acting out of integrity. But they did so anyway. Graham said in his speech in the Committee that he would lose a lot of friends – and he has. He has prided himself on having friends on the other side of the aisle that he disagreed with politically. In his speech, he called out their dishonest and reprehensible behavior. It is doubtful they will soon forgive him. Susan Collins, likewise, has had close relationships with all the women in the Senate. Now many of them on the Democrat side are calling her a traitor to women everywhere. Because she chose to judge the situation fairly and saw no corroboration for Dr. Ford’s story, she has suddenly become an evil anti-feminist. She, her family, and her staff have received death threats, and she has to have 24-hour security. Death threats against Republicans cannot be taken lightly. Just a year ago a Democrat drove up to a baseball practice and asked a Congressman if the players on the field were Republicans or Democrats. He replied that they were Republicans. The Democrat fired and attempted to murder over a dozen players. He injured five people, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise. Scalise was badly injured, and it has taken a year and many surgeries to allow him to function somewhat normally. Most members of Congress don’t have security details, but as a leader Scalise did. If his detail had not been there to take down the gunman, a dozen or more Republicans would have died, according to police. We have come to a terrible place in our nation when a Democrat decides to kill Republicans – just because they are Republicans. Or when Democrats like Maxine Waters call for mob violence against Republicans – just because they work for President Trump. Or when a Republican Senator receives death threats just because she voted to confirm a Supreme Court Justice. I’m thankful that Susan Collins took a great risk and did the right thing by giving a speech that turned the tide of the confirmation, according to many. And I'm grateful that Lindsay Graham called out the Democrats for their despicable and deplorable behavior. As he said, they tried to ruin a good man’s life – just for political gain. But they are not the only ones who deserve credit. Senator Charles Grassley, the Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary, did a masterful job of keeping things in order, even as the Democrats tried to turn it into an intergalactic freak show. He was polite and respectful to Dr. Ford, even as she used last-minute unfounded allegations to slow down the Committee’s work and attempted to derail Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. She said she wanted to testify confidentially, but when he offered her a private hearing, she insisted on it being public. President Trump also deserves praise for standing by the nominee, even in the midst of all the lies paid for by millions of dollars given by George Soros and his ilk to ruin Judge Kavanaugh’s life and family. Trump did best when he stayed silent and just continued to issue statements of support. But he almost blew it when he mocked Dr. Ford at one of his rallies. Finally, Mitch McConnel has done an amazing job with judicial nominations, including this one. I have been critical of him in the past when he failed to use the power of his office to move the president’s agenda forward. But he did a superb job at shepherding Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination through the confirmation process. I don’t think it’s too strong a statement to say that these five people, along with the loyal Republicans who voted for Kavanaugh may have saved the credibility of the U.S. Supreme Court. If they had succeeded in their smear campaign they would have been emboldened to use the same despicable techniques with the next nominee. Eventually, the President would have run out of people willing to endure the pain of having their honor dragged through the Democrat’s mud and slime. At that point, Trump would only have been able to nominate judges approved by the Democrat National Committee, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. What have we learned from this shameful episode? Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer made it clear 23 minutes after Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination was announced that he would do everything in his power to keep him from being confirmed. In complete violation of the Constitution and all legal precedent in this nation, he declared on the floor of the Senate that there is “no presumption of innocence” on the part of Brett Kavanaugh. He was to be considered guilty until proven innocent. Lindsay Graham challenged Schumer by holding up the President’s short list for SCOTUS from which Judge Kavanaugh was picked, and asking, “Which of these people would you have supported?” It has been over a week since he issued that challenge, and the silence has been deafening. It is obvious that Schumer will not allow any of his henchmen to vote for ANYONE nominated by the President. So, in the words of Senator John Kennedy, “The Democrats sank to a new low – and kept on digging.” Since they could not stop the nomination by using legal and ethical means, they decided that instead of the Constitutional responsibility to “advise and consent” regarding this nomination, they would employ “search and destroy” tactics (in the words of Justice Kavanaugh). If they had succeeded, we would have entered into a new and terrible state in this nation. Anyone could make an accusation against a person in the public spotlight – and we would be required to believe the accusation. It might be a credible accusation – as Dr. Ford’s seemed at first to be – or a totally incredible one, like the one where Julie Setnick accused Cavanaugh of participating in gang rapes. Regardless of credibility or corroboration, the new normal would be that we would be required to believe whatever they said and that anyone – particularly men, according to a Democrat Senator – would be required to “shut up.” An experienced sex crimes expert pointed out the many holes in Dr. Ford’s testimony, including the fact that none of the four “witnesses” she claimed would corroborate her story, said the event never happened. One of these included Ford’s closest friend, then and today. She said she had never even met Kavanaugh. The expert said she would never have prosecuted such a poorly presented case, and in fact would not have even issued a search warrant based on Ford’s contradictory testimony. Swetnick was represented by porn lawyer Michael Avanatti – probably the only one slimy enough to take her case. She claimed that she saw Kavanaugh at a series of ten sex parties where girls were routinely gang-raped. She claimed she had been raped herself. But she never explained why she continued to attend parties – ten times – where she was likely to be raped. She also claimed that she saw Kavanaugh “spike” the punch at the parties. Later she said he had drugged the drinks of girls. Realizing she could be jailed for perjury, she recanted her former claims, saying “I don’t know what Brett did.” So there you have it. A Doctor of Psychology who has tutored people in how to beat a lie detector test used such a suspect test to bolster her false accusations against Kavanaugh. A sensationalist porn lawyer who hates the President and has made millions promoting liars, dredges up a clueless “witness” against Kavanaugh at the last minute. And the woman who claims that Kavanaugh organized gang rapes takes back her lies when the truth about her former false claims and her threats to the wife and child of a former boyfriend are revealed in court documents. Let me make one thing clear. If you do even minimal research on the Internet you can confirm this. The Democrats did not oppose Justice Kavanaugh because of who he is, anything he has done, or his judicial philosophy. They tried to destroy him simply because President Trump nominated him. Trump could have nominated Hillary Clinton and they would have destroyed her. (The difference is that they would have had accurate grounds on which to impeach her character.) So this is how Democrat Senators have chosen to do the business of the nation. And they might have succeeded but for the courage of two “RINOs”. BE SURE TO WATCH THE TWO SHORT VIDEOS BELOW...
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