Would You Rather Have a Jerk or a Pitiful Wimp as Your President?That's Your Choice on November 3rdSeptember 7, 2020I love President Trump. But there is no question that he can be a jerk at times. He can be crude, he exaggerates, he gets his feelings hurt easily, sometimes he's a hot head, and he can be a bully. And he should have someone with a cool head who has to approve his tweets. The man has fired top-level Administration officials on Twitter! Who does that? But let me tell you what else he is. He is a generous man with a big heart. He has helped hundreds of individuals and families, and he never talks about it. He works hard and he performs - and he demands performance from his people. He asks lots of questions, he listens, and he learns. Contrast that with Biden, who thinks he already knows everything because he's been in Washington for 100 years. For decades the health industry has tossed out billions of face masks after one use. Trump asked, “Why are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?” He’s the man who got the hospital ships ready in one week, when the Admirals told him it would take weeks. He got temporary hospitals built in three days. He bullied American manufacturers into quickly tooling up to build ventilators that saved countless lives. (Sometimes bullying can be good.) He asked, "Why aren’t we using drugs that might work on people that are dying; what do we have to lose?" He shut down travel from China (for which Biden called him a racist) - an action that saved tens of thousands of lives. Now Biden is saying he should have done it sooner! He ran on securing the border in the face of a screaming press and media. When he shut down borders in the midst of the China Virus Clueless Biden and his merry band of Socialists were up in arms over such a "draconian" action. Then the rest of the world followed suit, including the European Union between member countries, saving even more lives by following his leadership. Has he made mistakes? Of course. Everyone does. But none of the multitude of experts with conflicting opinions would have done any better. Trump works harder than any President our country has ever seen. He doesn’t hide in his office; he’s out there doing his job and giving America hope every day. Meanwhile, Biden has hidden in his basement, afraid to go outside lest some reporter ask him a question for which he doesn't have a script. The Democrat governors demanded that he supply them with PPE (personal protective equipment like masks and gowns) and ventilators. There was nothing that would have prevented them from stockpiling these items for emergencies years ago. It's not the responsibility of the federal government to watch over the states' inventories. And yet, it is Trump’s fault that they didn’t. The worst offender was New York's Mario Cuomo. He demanded that Trump send him thousands of ventilators that were never used. Meanwhile he had thousands of ventilators and millions of items of PPE that were never utilized. He puts America first. He has gotten us out of abusive trade and "climate change" that Obama and others got us into. These were deals that benefited all the other participants (including our enemies) while the U.S. got the short end of the stick, and ended up paying for most of the costs. In particular, he put tariffs on China and told them more were coming if they continued to cheat by manipulating their currency and stealing our intellectual property. He’s smart, he listens to diverse opinions, and then he makes his decisions. What more could we ask of our President? Here's what you would get from a President Biden. He has promised to raise our taxes by at least $4 Trillion. He will reimpose the burdensome regulations that made it almost impossible for American businesses to compete on the world stage. He will take orders from the petulant bartender from the Bronx and her Muslim buddies because he is afraid of them. He has never been as far Left as most of the lunatics in his party, but now he has promised to be "the most Progressive president America has ever seen." He has promised to put the fake Mexican Beto O'Rourke in charge of gun control. Beto has said, "H**l yes, I'm going to take your guns." Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren is advising his campaign on economics, and will serve in his cabinet as Treasury Secretary. Susan Rice, the fake diplomat who protected Obama and Hillary with her non-stop lies after they refused to save American diplomats in Benghazi, will be his Secretary of State. And fake human being George Soros will continue to fund him in his attempts to force America to give up its sovereignty and become part of a one-world government. In Liberal states, he is on video at least five times saying there would be no fracking (a safe, proven way of getting oil out of the ground) and no fossil fuels under a Biden Administration. But just a few days ago in Pennsylvania, he stated unequivocally that he was not against fracking. Aside from the fact that he tells different constituencies what they want to hear and the truth be damned, how does he expect to fuel America? The windmills are made of steel, which is made using fossil fuels. The solar panels are made with petroleum products. Is he really that ignorant? No, he knows these things. He just wants to put us back into the position of begging the Arabs and Muslims for oil, after we have finally become energy independent under Trump. Not once has Biden uttered the words, "Islamic terrorists," even though they have killed thousands of Americans. Not once has he called the mobs burning our cities, killing and raping our citizens, and targeting cops for assassination Rioters. No, in the addled mind of Wimpy Joe they are Peaceful Protestors. And never has he called out China for all their violations of international law and trade agreements, their human rights violations, their abuse of American businesses, and their use of slave labor. He never will, because he is on their payroll. He allowed his son Hunter to use his position as Vice-President to enrich the Biden family to the tune of $1.5 Billion - that we know of. How do we protect ourselves from our enemies if we don't admit they exist? We would be defenseless with Biden as the Wimp in Chief. Violence will continue to spread through America, with groups like the anarchist domestic terror organization Antifa and the admitted Marxist Black Lives Matter having free reign in a Biden administration. In his week-long Democrat National Convention, not one word was spoken about these groups which are trying to cause another Civil War. Afterward, public pressure forced Biden to make a statement, so he put out a wimpy statement to the effect that violence of all sides was "not acceptable." Never mind that 99% of the violence is coming from the Left. His statement had all the strength of a mommy saying to her child, "That's not OK, Jimmy. If you do it again, I'll give you a time-out." "Dr. Tom, this all sounds terrible. You're scaring me." Good. You should be scared. If Biden is elected, America as we know it will be history. The same shadowy people who controlled Obama now control Biden. If Biden is elected, there will never be another Conservative president. The Supreme Court will be stacked with people who will shred the Constitution forever. Our economy will be so devastated that most will cry for a one-world government to take charge and make everything better. I hope you are scared. Scared enough to get out and vote for a man who loves America. Scared enough to overcome your fear of talking about politics to tell your friends and family the truth - regardless of consequences. I hope you are so scared of the specter of a cowardly Joe Biden handing over our nation to Socialists that you will do everything in your power to make sure that the man who has protected us, built up the military that Obama & Biden had decimated, and gave us the best economy America has ever seen is reelected.
He has written thousands of articles that have been republished in national newspapers and on hundreds of websites, and is a frequent guest on radio and television shows. His weekly Conservative Truth article (which is read by 250,000) offers a unique viewpoint on social, moral and political issues from a Biblical worldview. This has resulted in invitations to speak internationally at churches, conferences, Money Shows, universities, and on TV (including the 700 Club). “Dr. Tom,” as his readers and followers affectionately refer to him, has a passion for teaching, as you can see from his ministry website (www.ChristianFinancialConcepts.com); his patriotic site (www.ConservativeTruth.org); and his business site (www.GoldenArtTreasures.com). Tom's friend Dr. Lance Wallnau wrote of him, "Tom Barrett is a Renaissance man with a passion for subject matter ranging from finance to theology and American history." Visit Dr. Tom Barrett's website at www.DrTom.TV