A Woman’s Right to Choose

January 20, 2002

by Brian W. Peterson

It is not necessary to wait for election season to observe political verbal jousting. Indeed, political commercials are noxious fumes and the rhetoric is waist-deep. Lamentably, the rhetoric - unlike the commercials - never goes away. Categorizing opponents as “extremists,” for example, is a permanent part of the lexicon for many. The hijacking of our contemporary language perpetrated by political groups can be found in abundance.

Terms such as “gay” and “tolerance” have been altered to serve the cause of liberalism. With the possible exception of the pro-homosexual “we’re normal, too” crowd, the pro-abortion movement has perpetrated the hijacking of our language better than anyone.

To oppose abortion-on-demand is not reasonable according to groups such as the National Abortion Rights Action League and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). A PPFA mailing that was given to me by a friend used the terms “religious extremists,” “anti-choice fanatics,” “anti-choice zealots,” and similar combinations seven times in one short four-page letter.

Can reasonable opposition to abortion exist, according to the PPFA? Dumb question. Any opposition to liberalism cannot be tolerated, that is why those who have moral concerns are “anti-choice extremists,” and those who see no moral dilemma are merely “pro-choice.”

Liberals cry hypocrisy on the part of conservatives, but for liberals to be consistent they must also speak out against other government-mandated protections of morality, such as laws against murder, rape, and robbery. After all, legislation has outlawed such activity and the government tells people that they cannot murder, rape, and rob.

“A woman’s right to choose” is an interesting issue. Are PPFA and other liberal groups really “pro-choice?” What about the woman living in the inner city who fears for her safety? Are liberals “pro-choice” should she choose to carry a handgun for protection? What about the mother who is concerned about her child’s education? Are liberals “pro-choice” if she wants to choose to send him to a better high school?

Modern Liberalism is full of such quandaries. If a woman decides that 2% a year is too minute for Social Security returns, do liberals support her “choice” to invest some of her retirement money based upon her own decision-making abilities, or is only government capable of making informed choices? What if a woman chooses to kill someone - oops! Destruction of offspring is acceptable these days. Forget that one.

Liberals are not pro-choice as a rule. True, there is that one notable exception, but liberalism is about power and control. The woman who has the right to choose to protect herself with a gun, to decide what is best for her child, to exhibit the independence to invest her own money is a dangerous woman for liberals. Such a woman would not only demonstrate that the assistance - which is followed by control- of liberals - is not needed for her to succeed, but she would also inspire other people, thereby bringing down the house of cards that is modern liberalism.

Do not be misled when liberals support independence in the form of feminism. Morality is anathema to liberals because morality advocates hard work and personal responsibility. Abortion is the escape from sexual responsibility.

The term “choice” is issue-specific for liberals. Reasoned debate is feared by liberals and must be replaced by the distortions of the politically correct. Liberals fear those who think for themselves and cannot tolerate dissent lest their elitist designs be exposed.

Americans recognize that we all have the freedom to engage in political debate and to hold our own personal views. Certainly the PPFA has the right to spew bilge, no doubt there.

But what has happened to liberalism’s supposed respect for the freedoms of others? A similar stereotyping by a conservative organization would bring a cascade of condemnation from liberals.

We may be between elections, but the vitriol of liberals will not subside anytime soon. Peddling fear renders “choice” mere wordplay.


Brian W. Peterson writes a political column for the Antelope Valley Press (circulation approximately 60,000) in Palmdale, California. He is a graduate of Oral Roberts University, where he majored in TV/Film. Brian’s weekly commentary and newspaper columns can be found at www.LifeAndLiberty.com.

Send the author an E mail at Peterson@ConservativeTruth.org.

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