E Pluribus Unum

July 28, 2002

by Brian W. Peterson

To the politically correct crowd, people with opposing views simply must have nefarious ulterior motives. They’re racists; they want to starve children; they’re only for the wealthy; they want big corporations to pave the planet; on and on go the epithets and insults for those who disagree with liberals on any subject.

So it is when the discussion turns to non-American cultures within our borders. Accusations of racism fill the air.

However, an interesting contradiction has developed in the debate over the primacy of the English language as it relates to the assimilation of Hispanics. We who advocate that English should be recognized as the official language are labeled as racists, yet we believe that Hispanics are capable of learning English. Liberals want to cater to the Spanish language as though Hispanics are incapable of learning the language. We are not supposed to point out the insult to Hispanics.

By printing documents in Spanish, it is implied that Spanish speakers need assistance because they are not bright enough to learn English. Further, such catering discourages learning English, thereby ensuring that their success will be limited.

Americans should be proud that we are still a beacon of hope and freedom to the world. People have risked their lives to come here. With that beacon should come just one simple message: “Learn English. If you don’t, you will be guaranteed to have only limited success. If you learn English, your opportunities for success will be nearly limitless.”

But that message is snidely called racist by liberals.

There are certainly some small businessmen in Little Saigon and Chinatown who do not know English and they thrive to a certain degree within their own community. However, unless they are fairly proficient in English, they and their children are not completely free. They cannot freely travel or relocate with ease wherever they wish. They will be trapped within communities of their native culture, never to experience a high degree of success.

Like it or not, America conducts domestic business in English, whether that business is conducted in Portland, St. Louis, or Miami.

It has become politically correct to say that America’s strength is her diversity. That is incorrect. America is great because we as a nation have been able to overcome diversity.

The Germans were discriminated against around the time of World War II, but they learned English. The 19th Century Chinese were discriminated against, but they learned English. Immigrants took pride in becoming Americans. Immigrants may still hold on to a tiny piece of their identity (i.e. St. Patrick’s Day), but they pride themselves in America, not Ireland or China or any other country from which they came.

Face it, the pot is not melting too well right now. By focusing on our differences we spit on our national motto. By catering to those who are too arrogant or comfortable to learn English we promote the Balkanization of America.

To truly be one, one nation, we must have commonality. How can we find commonality if we cannot even speak to one another?

Is diversity strength? Ask the people in Bosnia and Serbia. The former Yugoslavia boasted 17 different ethnic groups. They killed each other because they cared more about their differences than their country.

Diversity is not a strength. Overcoming diversity, setting aside diversity for the common goal of living in freedom is and has been our strength. This is what America has always been about. People have historically come to America to be free.

Surely not one oppressed soul who struggled to reach America dreamed of coming here to experience diversity. For those who came here poor, tired, and hungry, they became successful only after learning English.

America’s strength is that she has always been bound together with a love of liberty.

E pluribus unum- from many, one.


Brian W. Peterson writes a political column for the Antelope Valley Press (circulation approximately 60,000) in Palmdale, California. He is a graduate of Oral Roberts University, where he majored in TV/Film. Brian’s weekly commentary and newspaper columns can be found at www.LifeAndLiberty.com.

Send the author an E mail at Peterson@ConservativeTruth.org.

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