Calling All Muslims

December 9, 2001

by Brian W. Peterson

American tolerance of other cultures is legendary. Yes, there are many people who display basic human nature, and distrust that which is different, but Americans still manage to respect others.

This respect does not have to equal the same kind shown to friends and family, merely the respect necessary to allow others to exercise their freedoms. In many countries around the world, behaving in a way other than what is officially accepted is not allowed. Government policies prohibit disagreement or differences. Not so in America.

For those of us who see people as individuals rather than groups, we find ourselves troubled by the conflict which has arisen within ourselves since September 11. We do not wish to see people as group members but as individuals.

September 11 has led to a change of opinion for many on a variety of subjects. Now we are forced to examine people in a different light. This shift in thinking is certainly accompanied by distrust. Bluntly stated, many people of all extractions now mistrust Muslims and those of Arab descent. This is unfortunate, and this viewpoint could have been avoided.

The initial mistrust of Muslims was quite predictable, particularly after we learned that the 19 terrorists lived among their neighbors as friends, blending in with the populace.

Think for a moment how you, dear reader, would act if you were living in another country and a handful of Americans killed some of the natives. Would you not seek to distinguish yourself from the murderers? Would you not go out of your way to underscore that you are their friend and the murderers should be punished?

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of Muslim organizations and their leading spokesmen in America have remained virtually silent. These organizations have condemned the acts of September 11, but they water down their criticism by urging the United States to discontinue efforts to root out the terrorists.

This is not a “blame the victim” statement. There is no excuse for the incidents of violence that have occurred around the nation against others because they are different. Mistrust is the subject, not violence.

Had Muslims quickly condemned the terrorists while simultaneously showing support for eradicating the terrorists, much of the distrust would have been eliminated.

If Muslims expressed interest in working with our government and in revealing those who may be dangerous or likely to conspire with terrorists already in our country, perhaps they would find greater acceptance from their fellow Americans.

Quoting the propaganda from al-Jazeera television does not help matters. Telling people, as one Muslim woman told me, that repression of Afghan women by the Taliban is “just their form of government” does not help matters. This does not inspire trust.

Rather than trust, we have people who are afraid to sit on an airplane with anyone who looks of Middle Eastern descent, and we have people who are confused about the allegiances of Muslims. We have organizations, in America, siding against our war efforts.

The reaction against Muslims in America was preventable, but many Muslims in America failed when confronted with a simple moment of loyalty. Do they or do they not enjoy the fruits of American society?

Others have expressed the opinion above. This has not appeared just in my mind or the minds of a mere few. Others have also documented such tepid support for America in these trying times. Others have noticed that allegiances seem to be split.

Let us hear ringing condemnations of the terrorists from around the country from Muslims without the “but America should …” Let us hear support for our need to exact justice. Showing support for the American war effort is not difficult.

Where are the Muslims in America? They should be falling over each other to find television cameras and microphones.


Brian W. Peterson writes a political column for the Antelope Valley Press (circulation approximately 60,000) in Palmdale, California. He is a graduate of Oral Roberts University, where he majored in TV/Film. Brian’s weekly commentary and newspaper columns can be found at

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