Chuck’s World

December 16, 2001

by Brian W. Peterson

Liberal New York senator Charles Schumer is a man of opportunity. September 11 gave him the opportunity to advance his religion of Big Government.

Just as Sen. Schumer exploited the grief of families of the Columbine High School shootings and other shootings across America in his campaign to limit the rights of law abiding citizens, so has the terrorist attacks given Sen. Schumer the opportunity to proselytize for that which is dear to him.

Sen. Schumer recently opined in the Washington Post (Big Government Looks Better Now - December 11) that since September 11, big government seems like a better idea than ever. But government failed us on that fateful day because of the ideology of liberals. Intelligence agencies were hindered from gathering necessary information about dangerous groups. Liberals who loathe the military and value international action over our national sovereignty failed to keep our defenses ready and enemies at bay.

Government where we needed it was neglected. Government where we do not need it - intrusion against our personal liberties - is touted.

The Preamble of the US Constitution outlines the five duties of the federal government. They are: 1.) establish justice; 2.) insure domestic tranquility; 3.) provide for the common defense; 4.) promote the general welfare; 5.) secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Such entities and actions as the court system, law enforcement, border patrol, the military, setting standards for industries engaging in interstate commerce, and the promotion of morality all fit within the stated purposes of our federal government. Naturally liberals and conservatives will always disagree with where we draw the line, but if governmental action does not fit the five purposes above, then such action is not constitutional.

Further, under the Bill of Rights, if the Constitution does not specifically grant the right of an action to the federal government, that right belongs to the states.

Somehow, people such as Sen. Schumer make the purposes of government seem limitless.

The government should establish justice for the protection of its citizens, from forces within and without, and allow our country to flourish today and into the future. That is the federal government’s job.

The greatest irony of Sen. Schumer’s Washington Post piece was that the senator sounded as though he saw the light of law enforcement and a strong military.

But Sen. Schumer is opposed to the deployment of a missile defense system. He has repeatedly opposed a strong military, even at a time when military spending was cut down to pre-WWII levels (adjusted). He defended the numerous violations of personal rights committed by the Janet Reno Justice Department while decrying the enforcement of laws by Attorney General John Ashcroft as violating personal rights. He and those of his ilk have consistently opposed agencies charged with intelligence gathering, which is vital to serving our interests worldwide.

Sen. Schumer does not exhibit consistency - he exhibits political opportunism, plain and simple. He nobly embraced President George Walker Bush, figuratively and literally, as our commander-in-chief prepared us for war. But the good feelings seem to have subsided. There’s opportunity out there.

What is it, then, that Sen. Schumer desires? Judging by his voting record and ideology, he wants a high level of control over the lives of American citizens. The government should decide whether you smoke, the amount of water that goes down the toilet with each flush, and treatments that doctors prescribe.

In the future, government may decide what foods are too fatty for consumption and where citizens are and are not allowed to travel.

Since age 24, Sen. Schumer’s occupation has been holding elected office. He knows two things: government is his provider, and the events of September 11 were an opportunity for big government to flex its muscles.

Never mind that the liberal agenda atrophied government where we needed it the most on September 10.


Brian W. Peterson writes a political column for the Antelope Valley Press (circulation approximately 60,000) in Palmdale, California. He is a graduate of Oral Roberts University, where he majored in TV/Film. Brian’s weekly commentary and newspaper columns can be found at

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