Fighting Back

January 20, 2002

by Charles E. Perry

We’ve all heard the stories about how liberals have dumbed down our schools where American history is concerned. Most of us can probably think of at least one young product of our public schools who has no clue about the history behind the founding of our nation. Well, some people are fighting back, and those people set a fine example for the rest of us.

Bill Dillon of Florida is a good example. For three years he has been working with Florida legislators to enact a law mandating that students begin each day by reciting these words from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed." The full text of the bill, as well as more information about it, may be found at The Declaration Foundation’s Message Goes to Florida. You might want to think about something similar in your own state. It will at least let the kids know that the men who founded this nation believed in God, and that they saw our rights as coming from God.

I learned about Bill when he responded to my column, The Evil of the Left. He wasn’t the only one who responded, however. I also heard from Scott James, a young lad from California who attends a Catholic Prep School. Mr. James is president of his school chapter of Young Republicans of America, and he had some interesting things to say as well.

Young Mr. James recently sought permission to do a lunchtime presentation called "The Hypocrisy of Liberal America." He sought to do the presentation in response to anti-war sentiments being expressed in the school. He was denied permission to do so. According to Mr. James, school officials felt the presentation would be too controversial. And yet, says Mr. James, a group called IRIS, which openly promotes homosexuality, was allowed to post leaflets about "National Coming Out Day." I hasten to add here that I have been unable to contact the school to get their side, but if what Mr. James said is the truth, it boggles the mind.

Folks, I got a lot of mail about that column, all of it from concerned, conservative people who are fighting back in any way they can. So take heart; we are not alone. There are many of us who oppose the liberal agenda, and some of us are even becoming effective at doing so. I am especially gratified by the number of young people who wrote me. It gives me hope that modern liberalism’s days are numbered, and that we may yet see its end.


Charles E. Perry is a freelance writer living in Michigan. He has done a variety of things in his life, including Ward Supervisor at the State of Michigan's Maximum Security Mental Facility. His degree is in accounting, but he discovered writing and now spends his time hunched over a keyboard, hollow-eyed, looking for just the right word. Perry is the author of "How Government Should Work: A Look at the Federalist Papers and the Constitution of the United States," currently pending publication.

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