Get Over It, Already!

May 19, 2002

by Charles E. Perry

My column on the Senate and judicial appointments drew quite a bit of mail from some angry liberals. One told me I should stop spouting lies, but when asked to point out the alleged lies, was unable to be specific. After all, the Democrats are holding up the process, and a fellow named Califano - a rather prominent Democrat - is on record as saying they need liberal judges to get from them what they can’t get with legislation. But the thing that amazed me most was how the e mails ranted about the last election and Florida. You Democrats need to get over it already.

The simple truth is that Gore lost. You need to accept that simple truth, get over it, and move on. The media finally finished those recounts Gore wanted and, using the method Gore wanted, Gore still lost. The allegations that voters were kept from voting have been proven false, or proven to have happened in Democrat controlled counties, and the voters blocked were Republican. The Florida Supreme Court tried to rewrite the election law after the election, and they were stopped by the U.S. Supreme Court. Thems just the facts, folks. Get over it already.

I understand why you continue to rant about it: the Democrats lack a viable issue. But it’s hardly my fault you can’t come up with one, and I shouldn’t be punished by having to respond to the same boring and inane claims over and over endlessly. I’m not even a Republican. I’m a constitutionalist, and I have issues of my own with Bush over the farm bill he just signed. Find yourselves an issue to occupy your minds and move on. Get over it already.

I know it was a blow to Democrats. Here we had a sitting vice-president from a popular administration, in good economic times, and he couldn’t muster the strength to beat a southern governor most people portrayed as dumb as a rock. That has to hurt. You would think a man born and raised in politics, as Gore was, would have the political savvy to pull off an easy win like that. But he didn’t. You dummies nominated him, and he lost the closest thing to a sure bet you can get in politics which, I suppose, makes him the one who’s about as dumb as a rock and you not a lot brighter for running him. Get over it already. Adapt. Move on. Grow.

Now, I’m most likely going to get mail with this column, too. I’m sure a bunch of whiny Democrats are going to pester me with all sorts of claims that I, and the entire civilized world, have seen about a thousand times before. Let me save you some time. Let me give you my answer here and now so you don’t have to clutter up my mailbox with it. Here it is:

Gore Lost. Get over it already!


Charles E. Perry is a freelance writer living in Michigan. He has done a variety of things in his life, including Ward Supervisor at the State of Michigan's Maximum Security Mental Facility. His degree is in accounting, but he discovered writing and now spends his time hunched over a keyboard, hollow-eyed, looking for just the right word. Perry is the author of "How Government Should Work: A Look at the Federalist Papers and the Constitution of the United States," currently pending publication.

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