The State of Education

June 23, 2002

by Charles E. Perry

My sister in law used to have her children in Detroit city schools. Okay, she used to be my sister in law before the divorce. Anyhow, she found out that her kids knew who Sojurner Truth was, and they knew who martin Luther King was, but they had no idea who Jefferson, Madison, or Franklin were. She took them out of Detroit school system, and started homeschooling. This was probably wise on her part.

Don’t get me wrong here. Many of our school systems are very good and teach our children well. Some even do so superlatively, but many have been taken over by liberals, and those school systems, frankly, suck big time. How can you call a child "educated" who has no idea who Thomas Jefferson was? You can’t, but he still won’t learn who Jefferson was in far too many school systems.

Instead, liberal school systems will teach our children about the founders of the women’s movement, which may well be important, but it doesn’t compare at all with the Founders of our nation. Instead of learning about the founding principles of our nation, students are learning about the founding principles of liberalism. This - to put it quite simply - stinks because liberalism is a narrow political movement, while the founding principles of our nation are broad, and universal. Further, government schools shouldn’t teach a narrow political philosophy, they should teach these broad and universal principles.

So, any parent out there who wants to homeschool your kids, you have my support. In fact, you have more than my support. I did a series on the Federalist Papers and the Constitution. I’ll let you have that, free of charge for a limited time. Just email me at, and I will send you a copy so you can teach your children the truth. Education is vital. Seeing that our children get the truth is vital. I don’t need to make a buck off of it.

Okay, so I’ll never be rich. I acknowleged that fact a long time ago. I may never even make middle class. But if your kids know the truth, then I haven’t lived in vain. Hey, if you want to throw some bucks my way, do so. If you don’t, oh well. I humbly give permission to release my manuscript for you to use if you are homeschooling your kids. I speak straight facts, and I document those facts.

* Series manuscript is in PDF format - for a free reader, click here.


Charles E. Perry is a freelance writer living in Michigan. He has done a variety of things in his life, including Ward Supervisor at the State of Michigan's Maximum Security Mental Facility. His degree is in accounting, but he discovered writing and now spends his time hunched over a keyboard, hollow-eyed, looking for just the right word. Perry is the author of "How Government Should Work: A Look at the Federalist Papers and the Constitution of the United States," currently pending publication.

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