Hillary Should Hide

November 18, 2001

by Charles E. Perry

Hillary Clinton’s advisors are incompetent if they are advising her to keep herself in the public eye. The woman simply lacks the class and intelligence to pull it off. She should hide from the public view if she wants to continue in politics. Every time she turns around, she digs herself a deeper hole.

Remember the Monica thing? Before it was known that Bill actually was having sex with Monica in the Oval Office, Hillary blamed it all on a vast right wing conspiracy. Her Bill wouldn’t do such a thing. It had to be a right wing plot. Well, we all know how that turned out, and Hillary ended up with egg on her face. That’s not the only example of Hillary being stupid, of course, but it is one that comes immediately to mind.

Then there was stiffing the waitress at the diner during her campaign for the Senate. I don’t chastise her for not paying for the meal, lots of candidates do that, and a restaurant claiming a famous politician ate there probably does get some business from it. But, let’s face it, for a woman who claims to care about the poor to stiff the waitress for the tip was a major gaffe. Her advisors should have slipped a twenty into Hillary’s hand and made sure the press took a photo of her giving it to the waitress.

Instead, much was made of her stiffing the poor gal. Hillary came off as an uncaring fool. I would have fired my advisors at that point, but the "smartest woman in the world" doesn’t seem to have caught on. She won the Senate seat regardless, so I suppose it wasn’t a fatal blow, but it should have cued her in on the fact that her advisors aren’t the brightest bulbs in the box.

Then came President Bush’s speech to Congress. If I had been Hillary’s advisor, I would have told her to pay rapt attention to every word Bush said, and to cheer enthusiastically. Let’s face it, Bush is popular. It can’t hurt any politician to be seen as supporting him, not even a socialistic liberal like Hillary. Even a liberal drone like Tom Daschle recognizes that fact.

Instead, Hillary rolled her eyes, stood reluctantly for the standing ovations, and made it clear that she wasn’t happy. I understand that she isn’t happy. She went from being First Lady, and the center of attention, to being one Senator if a body of one-hundred, and a junior Senator at that. But her advisors should have prompted her to be enthusiastic in her support for the President. They should have told her to be bipartisan, to appear to place America before party politics. Other Democrats have done it, there’s no reason - except for her stupid arrogance - that Hillary couldn’t have done the same.

Now we come to her latest open mouth-insert foot statement; the interview where she seems to blame the terrorist attacks on tax cuts. Not only is that ridiculous, but it seems carefully calculated to enrage the vast majority of taxpaying citizens. And to argue that the tax cuts caused the recession, since the downturn began under her husband’s watch, is inane in the extreme. Nobody can seriously argue that taxpayers having more of their own money to spend is bad for the economy, but Hillary wants to argue it.

She should fire her advisors, if they’re giving her this advice. It may be that Hillary actually believes it, which reveals her as a shallow thinker with limited intelligence. If she wants to run for President in 2004, or even if she wants to run for re-election as a Senator, she’s doing all the wrong things. If she’s following the advice of her advisors, she should fire them immediately. If she’s ignoring their advice, they should quit. There’s no glory in backing a loser.

And while we’re at it, she should tell her husband to shut up. His latest absurdity, that we are somehow responsible for the terrorist attack because of slavery and our treatment of the Indians, is so void of rational thought that she should denounce it. She should tell him to shut up and fade into the woodwork as previous Presidents have done. His political career is over, hers is the one that should matter now.

If Hillary can’t control her liberal foaming at the mouth, then the best thing her advisors could do is to tell her to hide. Keep a low profile, and don’t make the news. If they aren’t telling her that, she needs to get new advisors.


Charles E. Perry is a freelance writer living in Michigan. He has done a variety of things in his life, including Ward Supervisor at the State of Michigan's Maximum Security Mental Facility. His degree is in accounting, but he discovered writing and now spends his time hunched over a keyboard, hollow-eyed, looking for just the right word. Perry is the author of "How Government Should Work: A Look at the Federalist Papers and the Constitution of the United States," currently pending publication.

Send the author an E mail at Perry@ConservativeTruth.org.

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