The Greater Danger

September 22, 2002

by Christopher G. Adamo

This past week represents a milestone, which, in future years, may be regarded as the beginning of the end for those rights and freedoms that have traditionally been identified as inherently American. It could eventually come to mark the time when a ruling class began its ascendance into absolute dominance over the lives of the masses. Being September, the natural presumption might be that these dire predictions have some direct correlation to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. But they do not.

Contrary to fears that were voiced in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, America has shown a tremendous resiliency in the face of enormous tragedy. While the horrific nature of the terrorist attacks should never be minimized, it is nonetheless fair to say that for the vast majority of Americans, life has pretty much returned to normal. Ground Zero has been cleaned up, plans are in the works to rebuild the World Trade Center in some fashion, repairs at the Pentagon are nearly complete, flags are waved proudly, and the expression "God Bless America" carries a deep and profound meaning. Based on casual observations, it might be assumed that, if anything, America has changed for the better.

But while Al Qaeda didn’t succeed in fundamentally altering the make-up of our nation another action, perpetrated within the United States Congress and signed on to by President George W. Bush, holds the ominous threat of doing so. For this time period, early September, marks to beginning of the sixty days prior to the general election in which free speech by the masses will be virtually stamped out and forbidden until after the elections are held, and candidates are once again immune to accountability. Barring some intervention by the courts, such will be the case in all upcoming elections according the recently enacted campaign finance "reform" legislation.

Imagine if you will, that from the present time until November 5 (the day of the general election), unscrupulous candidates could spout any lie they wish, the only check to their deception being whatever the typically liberal media types decide to report on the nightly news. It is no exaggeration to warn that 2002 might be the last year for any healthy discussion of political issues, as determined by the citizenry, in the United States of America.

While judicial intervention represents the best hope at present to correct this dire situation, it is dangerous to expect that this outrage against the founding principles of the Country will be deflected by the Court system. Though the Courts have appeared to regard freedom of expression as sacrosanct in the past, as evidenced by high-court decisions demonstrating their unwillingness to allow restrictions on the distribution of child pornography over the Internet, an affinity for kiddie porn is no guarantee of any similar devotion to the First Amendment as intended by the founders. America is greatly at risk if it is willing to gamble the future of its Constitutional foundations on a court system which regularly finds justification for its morally reprehensible decisions in "emanations and umbras", ostensibly contrived from the nation’s founding documents.

The greatness of America cannot be fundamentally altered by fanatical and malicious outside forces with their random attacks, no matter how horrendous they may be. While the demons of Al Qaeda have proven themselves to be a real danger to individuals, their most atrocious deeds against our nation cannot threaten its future. A peril of this nature can only come from something much larger... something that the nation allows and accepts. Such an evil manifested itself in the halls of the United States Congress and was embraced by a majority of its members, under a mask of "reform." Whether it was because of their zeal for the advancement of the liberal agenda or the fear of political fallout if they opposed it, those Senators and Representatives who supported this affront to the Constitution did no less than to violate their oaths of office.

Todd Beamer, in the famous and heroic "Let’s Roll!" episode on board United Airlines Flight 93 over Pennsylvania, showed just how capable Americans are, once they recognize the nature of the danger facing them, of fending off attacks by murderous barbarians. Who then will sound the battle cry to defend America, when its enemies are an elected aristocracy residing within its own borders, who seek power to regulate and control the very words we speak?



Christopher G. Adamo is a freelance writer who lives in southeastern Wyoming with his wife and sons. He has been involved in grassroots political activity for many years. Chris was the editor of the Wyoming Christian from 1994 to 1996, and his columns can also been seen at

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