A Degree In PerversionMarch 3, 2002by Tom Barrett, Editor@ConservativeTruth.org For over thirty years I have been sounding the alarm over the so-called "sex education" courses our children have been forced to endure in public schools. Many laughed at me and called me an alarmist. Today we can see the results of the destruction of moral values and desensitizing our children to obscenity. A California university is offering a degree in perversion. You heard me right. The University of California at Berkeley now offers a minor in "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies." Students can major in Politics and minor in Perversion. (See the link in the Resources section below.) Required courses for the minor include "Interpreting the Queer Past: Methods and Problems in the History of Sexuality," and "Alternative Sexual Identities and Communities in Contemporary American Society." When I discussed this with a friend, he said, "If someone asked me where I thought such a program would be offered, my first guess would have been Berkeley." I agreed, but added, "The problem is that many sick programs start there, but they don’t stop there." Many colleges and universities have offered such courses for years, but to my knowledge this is the first time one has actually offered a degree like this. It won’t be long before other institutions of higher stupidity copy Berkeley’s degree program. The Arabs have a saying, "Don’t let your camel get his nose into your tent." Americans say, "It’s hard to get someone out once they have their foot in your door." The Bible says (in Ephesians 4:27), "Don’t give the Devil an opportunity." Liberals gained control of our public school system little by little. They infiltrated the Parent-Teacher’s Associations (PTA). They took over the National Teacher’s Union (NEA). And they worked hard to place their agents in important positions in school administrations and on local school boards. I have often made the statement that conservatives must fight hard to get their message out, because the liberals control many of our most important and powerful institutions. These include the judiciary, the major news media, the entertainment industry, and our public schools. This is like going into battle with rifles and a few hand grenades when the enemy has tanks, rocket launchers and mortars. Little problems like that don’t really worry me, because we have the moral high ground. Truth can never be defeated by evil. We will win the battle for the hearts and minds of our neighbors because we are right. But it is really irritating to watch the enemy infiltrate these important institutions and twist people’s minds to their way of thinking. It goes way beyond irritating when they inflict their filth on the impressionable minds of our children. The phrase "righteous wrath" comes to mind. My little girl will never be subjected to their brain-washing because she will never attend a public school. But it both angers and saddens me to think of the millions of innocent children who are forced daily to listen to sexual indoctrination. They are told that homosexuality is "normal," and anyone who says otherwise (even God!) is a homophobe and a bad person. They are indoctrinated with the horrible notion that killing babies in the womb is an acceptable form of birth control. And our children are told over and over again that there is no right or wrong, there are no moral absolutes. "If you think it’s OK, do it," is the message of sex "education." Public school sex education classes have paved the way for the college courses at places like Berkeley. It took a generation, but our children have become so desensitized by the propaganda they have been taught in school that they are not shocked by classes such as the course in Male Sexuality. It is described by the university as one ’intended to provide a safe environment in which men may learn about their own bodies and male sexuality.’ As columnist Gregory Hand said in his article "Berkeley’s Sex Games," (see link in the Resources section below), "Most men learn such things in the privacy of their bedrooms as teenagers." This course included discussing sexual fantasies in class, a class party which was actually an orgy, and a field trip to a homosexual strip club where students got to watch one of their instructors perform sex acts on stage. Not to be outdone, the women’s version of this course included a trip to a strip club and "lectures" by a female porn star. We must re-take our society from those who pervert everything that is good and wholesome. We will be ridiculed, laughed at, perhaps spat on. But we must have the guts to stand up and say, "That’s enough! Stop right there! We’re not going to stand by and watch our society go down the sewer." It is going to take courage. And a lot of prayer. RESOURCES: CONSERVATIVE TRUTH WAS FEATURED IN A NATIONAL NEWSPAPER. Surprisingly, it was the Washington Post. On February 7, Staff Writer Ellen McCarthy wrote an article titled "Pundits Put Their Stuff on the Web With Labor of Love." She introduced the piece by writing, "Washington is a mecca for the opinionated. Pundits, think-tankers and politicos can make a decent living spouting off on their favorite topics. But those who prefer to pontificate from the comfort of their homes -- or just aren’t getting many calls from CNN these days -- have turned to the Web to publish their views. For most of those political webbies the sites are more hobby than career. A few accept donations or sell Internet ads, but most are primarily self-funded. They are works of love or maybe zealotry, but they are work nonetheless.
She went on to describe five websites, three conservative and two liberal. This is what she had to say about Conservative Truth’s website: