Gay to StraightMay 12, 2001by Tom Barrett, Editor@ConservativeTruth.org GAY TO STRAIGHT. A new study by a respected researcher shows conclusively that homosexuals who WANT to change can do so. Thirty years ago Dr. Robert Spitzer, a professor at Columbia University, spearheaded the effort to have homosexuality removed from the American Psychiatric Association’s list of mental illnesses. In doing so he became a hero to the homosexual community. So it is no surprise that he approached the idea of homosexuals becoming heterosexual with skepticism. He was surprised when over two thirds of the men in the five-year study successfully made the transition to a heterosexual lifestyle. Of course, today the same homosexual activists who once lauded him are viciously attacking him. Bill O’Reilly interviewed a former homosexual on the subject. Richard Cohen was a homosexual for many years, and suffered from the name-calling and rejection that went with that lifestyle choice. "I know what it is like to be attacked, so I never attack gays. I show them in love how they can change their lives if they are willing." He has written a book, "Coming Out Straight," that soundly debunks the theory that some people are somehow genetically predisposed to homosexuality. "Seventy years of scientific studies show that it is an acquired condition," said Cohen. Cohen, now married, says, "I respect their choice [to remain in the homosexual life], but they don’t respect my choice [to go straight]." He is a psychotherapist who has helped hundreds of homosexuals leave that lifestyle. During speaking engagements he has been physically attacked dozens of times by militant homosexuals, who have also spat upon him and threatened his life. Why are homosexual activists so afraid of people like Dr. Spitzer and Richard Cohen? Why do they try to suppress their free speech? The homosexual community demands that the rest of the world accept them and their lifestyle choices, but they attack anyone who chooses to leave that lifestyle. There can be only one answer. Studies such as Dr. Spitzer’s, which prove conclusively that homosexuals CAN change, make it very difficult to sustain the lie that people are born homosexual. There are two major falsehoods that homosexual activists depend on in their drive to force the rest of us to accept their lifestyle as "natural". The first is that 10% of the population is homosexual. If that were true, it would go a long way toward convincing a lot of people that homosexuals don’t decide to be homosexuals. This lie also gets them lots of political clout, because if 10% of the voters are homosexual, politicians have to pay attention. The actual figure, according to numerous studies, is slightly less than 1%. Why then do so many people believe the 10% lie? People who aren’t educated regarding the issues will believe almost anything if they hear it often enough. The media have reported this "statistic" over and over and over until very few question it any more. Phil Donahue used to bring up this "fact" on his talk show every chance he got. The simple truth is that there has never been a single credible scientific or demographic study that supports this assertion. In fact, the 1990 U.S. Census figures identified 69,200 Lesbian couples and 88, 200 gay-male couples in the entire country. Those numbers are far below 1% of the U.S. population. And a National Survey of Men in 1991 found that only 1% of the men (1.3% among whites and 0.2% among blacks) reported having participated in exclusively homosexual activity. The other foundational falsehood is that some people are "born homosexual." Homosexual activists and apologists repeat over and over that homosexuality is genetic. Although there has been much speculation in various popular publications, there has never been a scientific study that even hints that such a wild claim might be true. No one has ever isolated the "homosexual gene" that would have to exist were this true. And no one ever will. Yet on a call-in TV show following the release of Dr. Spitzer’s landmark study, every caller said that they believed homosexuals could not change. They made these statements right after hearing the results of a scientific study showing that hundreds HAD changed! This graphically demonstrates the power of repeating a lie until the population is convinced it is a fact. Without the foundation of these falsehoods, homosexual activists lose all credibility in their quest to see homosexuality accepted as equal to heterosexuality. So they must vilify anyone who dares to present scientific evidence that these lies have been concocted to promote their agenda.
AMERICA: IT’S 11PM. DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR PRESIDENT IS? Yes. He’s in bed. With his own wife. Isn’t that refreshing? Some time ago I entitled one of my columns "A Different Kind of White House." I was amazed at the response that column received. Readers all over the world were overjoyed to find that dignity was being restored to a White House that has experienced precious little of it for the last eight years. So I thought you would enjoy this follow-up. During the first few weeks of the new Administration every White House staff member and employee was tested for illegal drugs. President Bush and Vice-President Cheney were the first to be tested. All 650 passed, and there have been 127 random tests since then, with no failures. One wonders what the percentage might have been had the same test been administered a year ago... "I pray every day--I read the Bible every day," President Bush told Brit Hume in an interview I watched. Hume asked, "When do you do it?" "In the morning. First thing in the morning. And I pray all day long." In the past we have seen many politicians who have tried to use religion as a way to get what they want. Our new President doesn’t strike me that way. I’ve never seen him bring up his faith in a political situation. But when he’s asked, he’s very clear about what he believes, and how important his faith is to him in every part of his life. His sincerity shines through.
THE THOUGHT POLICE ARE IN CHARGE OF OUR SCHOOLS - AND THEY USE HANDCUFFS! Here are just two of hundreds of examples I could give you of how public school officials are trying to control not just the actions, but the thinking of students and their parents. The St. Petersburg Times reports that an 11-year-old fifth-grader at Oldsmar Elementary School in Florida was taken from school in handcuffs. He has been suspended for the rest of the year, and will probably be forced to transfer to another school. The boy’s crime? He drew pictures of weapons. "There were some drawings that were confiscated by the teacher," principal David Schmitt told the Times. "The children were in no danger at all. It involved no real weapons." Ron Stone, an official of the school district says the handcuffing is "normal procedure in a situation like this." The principal is quoted as saying, "We just need to get it through kids’ heads that there are certain things you don’t say and there are certain things you don’t draw." Another school official, Nancy Zambito, added, "Our prime goal is to let students know what is appropriate to say and what is not, and how to be angry and cute and funny without alarming people." If they don’t want to alarm people, they might start with not handcuffing 11-year-old children. The school’s web site lists their email address as Cassie_Wilson@places.pcsb.org . READ THE STORY: www.sptimes.com/News/051101/TampaBay/Student_removed_from_.shtml Here’s a story about a mother who was arrested and handcuffed for letting her son sit in her lap! It was reported in the Chicago Sun-Times and the Belleville News-Democrat. School officials in Marissa, Ill., called in police to expel Susan Jones from campus. Jones, whose five-year-old son, Wesley, attends Marissa Grade School, joined her son for breakfast at the school and allowed him to sit on her lap. Superintendent Larry Hana said in a statement that, as the Sun-Times put it, "the physical contact between Jones and her child was ’inappropriate for the school setting.’ " The principal ORDERED Jones not to allow Wesley on her lap; when she refused, she was told she was unwelcome at the school. The next day when she signed in at the school office as usual, the principal, Kevin Cogdill (kcogdill@marissa40.org), had her arrested. The Sun-Times quotes Chicago child psychologist Bennett Leventhal, who defends the no-lap policy: "In a setting where children have breakfast by themselves, a mother infantilizing her child may be inappropriate," he says. Since when have school officials been given the authority to tell mothers how to parent their children? READ THE STORIES: www.suntimes.com/output/news/lap10.html ; ALSO www.suntimes.com/output/news/lap10.htmlhttp://www.bnd.com/news/docs/0511lapmom.htm .
’AN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT OF AL GORE’S ATTEMPT TO OVERTURN THE FLORIDA VOTE." That is how my Letter to the Editor of the Palm Beach Post was re-titled when it was published on several major web sites six months after I wrote it. It gives a chronological account of the major events and court challenges during the 36 days Al Gore held America hostage. It includes my personal experiences as a Republican vote counter in Palm Beach County and my encounter with Judge Charles Burton, the Democrat in charge of the recount. I thought this was old news, but the article received thousands of "hits" in the first few days it was posted. One reader became a subscriber after reading it. "Excellent! I have learned more from your letter than all the news media I have seen. This answers many questions about who really ’won’ the election. Ed Mitchell." If you would like a copy of this piece (or any back issues of Conservative Truth), send us an email.
GOD BLESS AMERICA. Steve Cornwell forwarded this item from the Scripps Howard News Service: "Jesse Jackson has added former Chicago Democratic congressman Mel Reynolds to the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition’s payroll. Reynolds was among the 176 criminals pardoned in President Clinton’s last-minute forgiveness spree. "Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud and lies to the Federal Election Commission. He is more notorious, however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer. This is a first in American politics. An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate, then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate."
FROM THE EMAIL BOX: "Dear Tom, Thank you for your excellent article, ’What a Difference a Minute Makes.’ Thank you for continuing to keep Truth in print. We cannot speak it too forcefully, at too great a length, or too loudly. Those who speak otherwise have no reticence; neither should those representing Truth. Too many oft-repeated, lying mantras fill the airwaves, the news-waves, pop culture and the textbooks of today. Thank you. Be encouraged. Rev. Phil Freeman." |