Minority RuleJune 30, 2002By Tom Barrett, Editor@ConservativeTruth.org Vocal minority groups, including atheists, homosexuals and Muslims, are using our courts and the coercion of political correctness to force their will on the majority of Americans. They scream for their rights, while they work full-time to deny other Americans their rights. Patriotic Americans are finally standing up and saying, Enough! There has been much written and said this week about Sacramento atheist Michael Newdows crusade to have the words under God removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. If you get your news from the mainstream media, as most Americans do, youve only heard the part of his story that they want you to hear. Since Conservative Truth serves as the antidote to the liberal news media, I decided I would bring you the whole story. The way Dan Blather and his ilk have reported the story, Dr. Newdows poor little seven-year-old daughter was mercilessly ridiculed by children in her second grade class because she refused to recite the Pledge. Supposedly this was because her father is an atheist and she shares his belief that God does not exist. According to this fairy tale, the heroic father rushed to his daughters defense, bringing suit against the school board for causing terrible harm to her delicate psyche by forcing her to utter the unmentionable, the name God. His only concern was to protect his little girl. He had no other agenda beyond that. The District Court which first heard his case ruled that it had no merit. This self-styled defender of the Constitution then appealed the case to the 9th Federal Circuit Court. Amazingly, on June 26, 2002, two of the three judges who heard the case agreed that mentioning God in the Pledge of Allegiance was unconstitutional! Within 24 hours, faced with the outrage of the vast majority of the citizens of the nation, ridicule from our President, and unanimous condemnation by the Senate, Federal Judge Alfred Goodwin, who wrote the majority opinion, hastily stayed his own ruling without giving a reason. (I think we know why.) A little investigation of news stories and court records demonstrates clearly that most of the media coverage is a complete fabrication, concocted by liberal journalists because it advances their radical agenda. When asked the right questions by responsible journalists, Newdows own words put the lie to the garbage masquerading as journalism which had been advanced by all the major networks talking heads. Newdows agenda is to remove all references to God from our public life and institutions. He declares that any reference to God in a public setting is unconstitutional. Yet the Declaration of Independence, that wonderful document that launched the adventure that is America, mentions God four times. The Supreme Court, which may ultimately be asked to rule on the ridiculous ruling by the 9th Circuit, begins each session with the words, God save the United States and this honorable Court. The US Congress employs Chaplains, who for the last 207 years have opened every session with prayer. All of our currency is imprinted with the National Motto of the United States, In God We Trust. Every President swears his Oath of Office with his hand on a Bible. This nation, which was founded upon the Word of God, recognizes and celebrates its rich heritage in these and many other ways. If our Supreme Court Justices, our legislators, and our President are allowed to acknowledge our roots by speaking Gods Name, how can it be wrong for our children to do the same? If almost every major national building and monument contains symbols of our religious heritage, how can it be wrong for schools to display the Ten Commandments, from which all our laws are drawn? On the day following the asinine ruling by the 9th Circuit Court, almost every Senator and Representative attended the opening ceremonies of their respective chambers, which included reciting the Pledge. There are usually few legislators present at these ceremonies; these people were making a point. The House voted overwhelmingly to condemn the ruling. (Only three Congressmen, all Democrats, supported it.) The Senate passed a similar resolution voted 99 to nothing. Some of the most liberal Democrats, many who secretly side with Dr. Newman, voted with the Republicans. To do otherwise would have forced them to face the rage of their constituents, the vast majority of whom understand that this nation was founded on godly principles by men and women who believed in and trusted God. Now lets look at the truth. In 1998 Michael Newdow, a physician with a law degree, brought a similar suit to the one in Sacramento against the school board in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. U.S. District Judge Ursula Ungaro-Benages dismissed that case, stating that the Supreme Court had previously ruled that children could sit out the recitation of the Pledge if they or their parents desired. In 1998, Newdows daughter was not even old enough to attend school. Apparently Newdow decided that California, known for its affinity for all things strange, would provide more fertile ground for his anti-God crusade. He relocated to the jurisdiction of the 9th Circuit, known for its socialist bent and its many downright ridiculous rulings. By the way, this Court has the distinction of having more rulings reversed by the High Court than any other in the nation. Most of its judges are Democrats or Socialists; many are Clinton or Carter appointees. Newdows daughter was never forced to recite the Pledge, according to everyone involved in the case. When questioned on CNN, even her father was forced to admit that she did not mind reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. My daughter is in the lawsuit because you need that for standing. I brought this case because I am an atheist and this offends me, and I have the right to bring up my daughter without God being imposed into her life by her schoolteachers. So she did not come and say she was ostracized. In other words, Newdows daughter was never ridiculed or ostracized as the liberal media initially claimed. To the contrary, in advancing his own evil agenda, Newdow has now placed his daughter in a position whereby she will be forced to carry the burden of his misguided actions for the rest of her life. Because he couldnt get the case into court any other way, Newdow pretended to be motivated by defending his daughters rights. But his own statement on national television proves how false that is. Although she never had a problem with reciting the Pledge, Newdow has used his own daughter for political purposes, opening this little seven-year-old child up to the very ridicule from which he claimed he wanted to protect her. I wonder if she will ever forgive his cowardice and duplicity? To better understand his motivation, read another Newdow quote from the same CNN interview (see the link in the Resources section below): One day I was just looking at the coins (that) is what brought this up. I saw In God We Trust on my coins. I said, I don’t trust in God, what is this? And I recalled there was something in the Constitution that said you’re not allowed to do that and so I did some research. And as soon as I did the research, I realized the law seemed to be on my side and I filed the suit. It’s a cool thing to do. Everyone should try it. In addition to having all references to God removed from our money and public buildings, Newdow wants America to be an atheist nation: When atheists become the majority in this country, I don’t think the theists are going to be glad to have "one nation under no God" inserted in the Pledge of Allegiance. Our President said it best. Newdow and his few defenders claim that their rights are being violated by virtue of the fact that others have rights that they dont want us to have. President Bush retorted that its all about rights - rights that we wouldnt have had they not been granted to us by our God. A final thought. Congressional liberals are trying to make political hay out of this ruling. Joe Lieberman vowed to amend the Constitution if the 9th Circuit did not reverse itself. Hillary voted to condemn the ruling. And Tom Daschle made all sorts of insulting remarks about the judges who ruled the Pledge unconstitutional. Yet these are the very people who put these kinds of judges on the bench. These are the same liberal Democrats who have blocked President Bushs appointments of judges who make common sense. Remember this when you go to the polls. If you vote for a liberal, you are giving him permission to appoint judges who will make ridiculous rulings that will destroy our nation. When you vote for a conservative, you are telling him that you want people on the bench who will preserve and protect the Constitution, not make a mockery of it as the liberal Democrats on the 9th Circuit have done. RESOURCES: OUR EDITORS RESPOND: Madelyn Murray O’Hare, the infamous Texas atheist, had a son who was used much like atheist Michael Newdows daughter is being used today. OHares son, William J. Murray (now a born-again Christian activist) was used as the U.S. Supreme Court test case that effectively ended formal prayer in public schools. As an adult he wrote a book that exposed just what a monster his mother was to him and to everyone. She was abusive, dishonest and evil. This poor little girl in California (who should be in our prayers) has been heartlessly exploited by her father, just like O’Hare’s son was by his mother Bruce Walker, Attorney at Law. Michael Newdow needs to read the definition of a bully: "A person
who hurts, frightens, or tyrannizes others." He is mistaking his
constitutional rights as a license to bully others. He is not in critical
(intelligent) thinking mode but in bully mode. Michael Newdow is not an
objective thinker and his subjective thinking is the same ingredient that
allowed Adolph Hitler to create havoc for over 7 years. It is also the
common denominator in the likes of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.
We as Americans have to stand for righteousness - otherwise we will be
Tom- It hurts to see our country attacked not by guns or missiles- we have defenses for those - but by lies. The Bible, the Truth is the only defense for lies. I thank God for your newsletter and others like it that give us true knowledge of the situations and a heads-up on what to pray for. Keep it up Dr. John L. Markley The thing about this case that really gets my goat is that were supposed to stand by and conform to the few who might be offended, when the majority wishes to have God and godly principles rule. What about our rights to freedom of speech and worship? Are we supposed to let these atheists steal our freedom? Teresa Featherstone THE MOST POWERFUL PATRIOTIC WEBSITE ON THE INTERNET is the America the Beautiful page by Marcia Phyfer on www.OurChristianNation.org . This moving site has been visited by over four million Americans in the last two years, with many of those visits taking place during the few weeks surrounding the Independence Day. This Fourth of July, take the time to visit and reflect on the sacrifices of all those who have made great, and the great blessing God has given us to be Americans. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Thanks. |