Hamas Says Jews Go HomeAugust 4, 2002By Tom Barrett, Editor@ConservativeTruth.org As the world knows, the recent suicide bombing at Hebrew University in Israel killed seven young adults, five of them American citizens. Immediately after this cowardly attack, a spokesman for Hamas, Yasser Arafats personal terrorist organization, said, We want to send a message to Jews to return to their homeland. Wow. And all this time millions of Israelis had been thinking that they were living in their homeland. Arafat, the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, and the many other Palestinian terrorist groups share common values and beliefs with the late Adolf Hitler. Jews do not deserve a homeland. All Jews deserve to die. Jews are not even human. In a perverse way I appreciate the terrorists groups, because they are at least open and honest about their beliefs. Arafat and the other Palestinian leaders feel the same way, but they hide behind pious lies. They tell the world that they will accept a Jewish state, while telling their people to kill as many Jews as possible, as quickly as possible. Wait a minute, Tom. How do you know what Arafat feels and thinks? Youre not a mind-reader. Thats correct. I am a reader of actions. Today Arafat claims publicly he supports Israels right to exist in safety and security. But not one of the maps found in his headquarters showed Israel; the entire area was labeled Palestine. Actions speak louder than words. He has repeatedly claimed that if only Israel would pull back to the pre-1967 borders, all hostilities would cease. Yet when Israel, together with several other nations, offered to do this, he refused their offer. Actions speak louder than words. He makes loud speeches calling for peace in the Middle East. He cries out that he is a peaceful man, that all Palestine wants is peaceful coexistence with their neighbor, Israel. Yet for years every time it has appeared that peace negotiations might actually work, Arafat has sent his terrorists into Israel to destroy any chance for peace. Actions speak louder than words. Why would Arafat and his henchmen sabotage any hope for peace? Because they have a goal the absolute and total destruction of the State of Israel and all of its inhabitants. They dont care that God gave this land to His people, Israel, thousands of years ago, that this is their historic homeland. Nothing less than the blood of every Jewish man, woman and child will satisfy these Arab Nazis. They will do anything, no matter how horrible, to realize their dream. The bombing at Hebrew University illustrates this fact. Arafat knew that young Arab students attended the University. This institution was an island of peace where Jews and Muslims worked together. He knew that these Arab students, in the prime of their lives, would die at the hands of his terrorists. Why didnt he care? Because he considers any Muslim that lives in peace with Jews to be a collaborator. In his twisted mind, any Muslim who does not hate Jews is his enemy, and thus fair game for the terror squads. MSNBC recently hired an ultra-liberal retread, Phil Donahue, to do an evening news show. Given his history it was no surprise that he managed to find the only Jew in Israel who would come on the show and blame Jews for the barbarism of Hamas at Hebrew University. Thats right. He found a Jewish man, yarmulke and all, who committed treason against his country and people by making the outrageous claim that Jewish aggression against Arabs was at the root of the reign of terror Hamas and other Islamic terrorist organizations have rained down upon innocent Jews. It didnt matter to Donahue this man represented only a tiny percentage of Jews, those who would have peace at any cost. Comrade Phil hailed him as a hero for having the courage to betray his people. The vast majority of Israelis know that they will never be allowed to live peacefully in their land unless they have secure borders. They know that as long as Saddam Hussein finances Arafat, they will continue to suffer his murderous attacks. Donahue and the rest of the liberal media distort Americas view of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict by giving exposure to Israels pacifists and ignoring their patriots. They dont understand that the Israelis will never go home as Hamas has ordered; they are home. AN EDITOR RESPONDS: People need to understand that the Jews who want peace at any cost- die in gas chambers. Many of the Jews that died in Hitlers concentration camps were pacifists. The first true modern-day Israelis emerged during the uprising in Warsaws Jewish ghetto. They realized that pacifism didnt work, and were willing to fight for their lives and those of their families. These heroes held back the Nazi storm troopers for 50 days. Dr. John Markley. EDITORS NOTE REGARDING LAST WEEKS ARTICLE: Last week I used a literary device that I have often used in the past. I opened my article with a fictional quote from a wire service. In the next paragraph I thought I made it clear that this was not a description of an actual event, but rather an illustration of what will undoubtedly become a reality if the trend toward so-called Hate Crimes Legislation continues unabated. A rash of emails requesting more information on my fictional Rev. Jenkins demonstrates that I was obviously not clear enough. My apologies to anyone who thought this was an actual news article. Rev. Jenkins is safe- for now