For Such a Time As ThisSeptember 22, 2001By Tom Barrett, Editor@ConservativeTruth.org FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. On the Saturday after the Attack on America I spoke to my friend Lori Cutshall about the press conference we’d just seen. Members of the President’s Cabinet were interviewed at Camp David about various aspects of the attacks and America’s response. Lori asked, "Have you thought about what kind of Cabinet we would have had if things had turned out differently last November?" I had. And I had thanked God that George Walker Bush had been placed in office by His hand for such a time as this. The Bible tells us that God knows the end from the beginning. He knew about the attack that would be visited upon us. And I believe He gave us the man of His choice to lead us through this time. We need a strong man in the White House. We have one. We need a man who is not too proud to listen to wise counsel. From all accounts, this man listens. We need a man who carefully chooses experienced counselors to advise him in what is arguably the most difficult job in the world. George Bush has chosen a superb Cabinet. I believe it is no coincidence that many of the people who put together the coalition which brought Iraq to its knees are now leading the effort to unite the world in the war on terrorism. Although I felt we should have finished the job we had started by pushing on to Baghdad, no one can deny that these men accomplished a near miracle by convincing Arab nations to cooperate in an attack on another Arab nation. Their experience will prove invaluable in the coming days. In testimony before a Congressional subcommittee, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister of Israel, said, "America has received a wake-up call from Hell, and you can’t hit the snooze button." Netanyahu is an expert on terrorism who has written a definitive book on the subject. He explained to our legislators that the terrorists have the will to destroy us, but do not yet have the ability. He went on to say that we have the ability to destroy the terrorists before they destroy us, but questioned whether we have the will. America faces a faceless enemy whose passion is to massacre every man, woman and child in our nation. We need men and women with tremendous courage and resolve to lead us to victory. President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, and the members of the Cabinet have what it takes. They are a gift to this nation for such a time as this. OUR WEBMASTER, MARK WILSON, HAS DONE A FANTASTIC JOB with the Conservative Truth website. We’ll profile Mark in an upcoming issue, but you can tell a lot about him by viewing his fine work at www.ConservativeTruth.org. Go there daily for late-breaking news from a conservative perspective. Mark has added live updating links to news stories from Agape Press. And be sure to visit the new ATTACK ON AMERICA PAGE. (There is no advertising on the site.) UNCOMMON VALOR. As I watched the early reports of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, my first thoughts were for the firefighters, paramedics and police officers I knew would be rushing into the buildings. When I was a fire-medic we often joked around the firehouse that intelligent people ran out of burning buildings, while firefighters ran in. I have known the fear that those rescuers must have felt as they willingly put their lives in danger to save strangers. Many of them died a short time later as the buildings came crashing down. Others followed the example of their uncommon valor by risking their lives in the hours and days that followed. Emergency personnel are expected to risk their lives. But Todd Beamer, Jeremy Glick, Thomas Burnett, and Mark Bingham, passengers on United Flight 93 over Pennsylvania, were businessmen. Businessmen are not expected to show uncommon valor, but these men did. From what the authorities have been able to piece together these four men, perhaps aided by other passengers or crew, killed the terrorists who had hijacked their airplane, dooming themselves by their heroic actions. Theirs was the last of the four hijacked planes to crash, and the only one that did not reach its target. One day soon you and I may be called upon to show uncommon valor. Until the Day When Everything Changed, passengers and crew of airlines were advised to cooperate with hijackers. "Keep quiet and fly the plane to Cuba or wherever they say. You may be inconvenienced, but you will be alive." The people on Flight 93 learned that all that had changed, and made a decision that saved untold lives on the ground. The terrorists didn’t retire after September 11th, 2001. Whether in an airplane, a crowded football stadium, or in some other place where there are no police or military nearby, in the days to come American citizens may have many opportunities to thwart a terrorist attack. Uncommon valor may become common.
WHAT ABOUT THE YOUNG PEOPLE? Over the last few years there have been many articles written about the perceived lack of patriotism among America’s young people. Since the attacks, I have been talking to teenagers and young adults about their reactions. I have been heartened to learn that many have had an awakening of appreciation for our nation and the sacrifices of those who have died to preserve their freedom. So I was pleased when two of our subscribers, Ed and Carol Magi, forwarded the email below. I think this young lady speaks for many of her generation. "I am one of America’s disillusioned youth. I have spent many safe nights blanketed by the freedom that generations before me died to provide. For many days, months and years I have forgotten that truth....but I woke up on Tuesday, September 11th, cold and shaking because my blanket was gone. For those of us in our early twenties, patriotism was slowly erased by ignoring the Pledge of Allegiance in homeroom and by mixing a drink during the Star Spangled Banner at a college football game. The only war of our lifetime was lost on us by distant images of a bombed Baghdad. Our only "real" memories of war cost 6 bucks and are served up cafeteria-style at the local movie theater. We think Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer are heroic fighter pilots and never think to ask our Dads about their tours in Vietnam. The next week we applaud Tom Hanks when he kills fake Germans and forget that our grandpas killed real ones. But on a random September Tuesday in the dawn of a new century, America’s disillusioned youth finally woke up. "We were awakened by fire and smoke, burning buildings and more frightening, burning people. War and destruction came in through our television sets and sat down in the Lazy Boys of our collective living rooms. And the youth of this country found out what it feels like to be an American. Suddenly, you feel pride rush to your cheeks as a New York fireman pulls out another survivor from the wreckage of the World Trade Center, you well up with emotion when you hear that the passengers of United Flight 93 sacrificed themselves in the air over rural Pennsylvania so more lives wouldn’t be lost, and you cry when you see the American flags displayed outside every house on your block. I guess I always knew that I would be willing to fight to the death for my family and friends, but the love of a country comes when you feel millions of people come together ready to defend their home. America, your youngest able-bodied generation just woke up. Sorry it took us so long." Stephanie Davis, Marietta, Georgia.
TO SOME MUSLIMS, BIN LADEN IS "LIKE A GOD." ISLAMABAD- T-shirts and turbans bearing the image of Osama bin Laden and the words ’’World Hero’’ are big sellers at the open market. So are fake credit cards and $50 bills with his picture and the phrase ’’In Osama We Trust.’’ But forget about buying cassettes and CD’s of his fiery teachings where he says, ’’Every American man is my enemy.’’ They sold out hours after last Tuesday’s attacks at six times the normal price. ’’Osama has become like a god for the Muslim people,’’ said Aamir Khan,
21, as he waved a white Taliban flag and led an anti-American protest
outside the city’s Red Mosque. ’’America and Pakistan should be warned:
If they try to kill Osama or attack our Afghan brothers, we will wage
war against them. American and Pakistani blood will flow in the streets.’’ |