The Desperate DemocratsOctober 6, 2002By Tom Barrett, Editor@ConservativeTruth.org George Bush is a very popular president. His ratings have been the highest for the longest period of time of any US president. This has the Democrats very afraid as they look forward to the mid-term elections. They are so afraid they have become desperate. And desperate people do stupid things. We have seen the Democrats do two very stupid things in the past few days. One involved three Democrat congressmen who went to Iraq with the blessings of their Party leaders. The Party is now trying to disassociate itself from their actions. More on that later. The other stupid thing is more difficult, because it is posted on the Democratic Party’s own website. To see political desperation in action, click on this link: http://www.democrats.org/social_insecurity/ You will see a flash movie of our President pushing a black man in a wheelchair and a grandmother in a wheelchair off a cliff and killing them. Right now you can also get to the same movie by going to their website front page ( www.Democrats.org ) and clicking "New Flash Movie," but I have provided the direct link because I suspect that when the backlash of their stupidity hits them, they will pull the link from their front page. In fact, they may take it down altogether, so you’d better hurry. Why is posting this ridiculous cartoon so stupid? First, because it is never smart to let the whole world know just how desperate you are. Second, because Bush is popular with Democrats as well as Republicans. Americans know he would not do anything to hurt senior citizens. Third, it is stupid because the lies are so blatant. The Democrats claim that Bush is pushing a plan to put Social Security assets into the stock market, and that would reduce benefits by 40%. They (as well as any American who keeps up with current events) know that the President has signed an Executive Order prohibiting ANY monies from the Social Security Trust Fund from being invested in the stock market. They KNOW they are lying, but they feel safe because they also know that most Americans DON’T keep up with current events. Instead, they listen to sound bites and turn off anything that sounds like in-depth analysis. The cartoon is actually a fund-raiser. It’s the same old Democrat line. Scare elderly and disabled people by telling them their social security and disability payments will be taken from them. Then get them to donate what little they have to the Democrats so they can "save" Social Security. Personally, I think Americans have gotten smarter, and will see this for what it is: lies born of desperation. The other stupid thing bordered on treason. Democrat congressmen David Bonior, Mike Thompson and Jim McDermott traveled to Iraq, where they told the news media that America should take Saddam Hussein at his word when he says he doesn’t have weapons of mass destruction. Then they said that our President is lying to American people about Saddam’s capabilities. Let’s see. We should believe a murderous dictator who has probably never told the truth in his entire life. And we should mistrust our own President, an honorable Christian man who has dedicated his life to protecting the American people. And we should do this based on the word of these Democratic so-called "leaders" who are so desperate to hurt the President (and thus help Democrats in the upcoming election) that they would give aid and comfort to the enemy. In another age, the actions of McDermott, Bonior and Thompson would have caused them to face charges of treason. Sure, they have the right to run their big mouths, no matter how stupid their words. But they don’t have the right to go to a country they know we are about to attack, where they might be used as human shields to prevent the attack. And, as representatives of our nation, they don’t have the right to make the Iraqi people believe a lie. The Iraqis need to know that the vast majority of Americans are squarely behind the President. If they realize this, perhaps they will help bring down Saddam with far less bloodshed. McDermott and Bonior are acting like spokesmen for the Iraqi government. To read all about McDermott, Bonior and Thompson’s stupid trip, check out these links: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/9/29/161817.shtml http://www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/09/29/iraq.debate/ The Democrat leadership is so desperate to win in November that it appears they will do anything, no matter how slimy or stupid. We need to remember that desperate people don’t just do stupid things. Desperate people are also dangerous.