We’ve Been Invaded By Aliens!December 2, 2001by Tom Barrett, Editor@ConservativeTruth.org WE’VE BEEN INVADED BY ALIENS - ILLEGAL ALIENS. They’re sort of like the space aliens in the movies. They’re among us, but we can’t see them. The space aliens used their powers to take on the form of humans. The illegal aliens don’t have to bother. The liberals in our federal government hide them from public view, even though they are breaking federal law. Over 1,000 illegal aliens cross our borders every day. And the number of illegals has increased by 28% in each of the last four years. The politically correct attitude is to pretend they don’t exist, that numerous laws are not being flagrantly violated. For some reason it is considered kind and compassionate to condemn illegal aliens to a life as fugitives. Their undocumented status means that they can’t get decent jobs, nor can they complain to authorities when unscrupulous employers treat them with cruelty or cheat them of their pay. What possible reason could the Democrats have for encouraging illegal immigration? It is a well-known dirty secret that the Democrat Party has done everything in its power to sabotage any attempt at voter reform. They have fought hard against any attempt to verify the legal status of voters at the polls. This is because the vast majority of the people ineligible to vote by law, including convicted felons and illegal immigrants, vote Democrat. The Democrats have pressured the welfare system to include illegal immigrants and incarcerated felons on welfare rolls, in violation of federal and state laws. It is no wonder that these illegals reward the Party that caters to them. I find it much harder to understand why President Bush is encouraging illegal immigration by proposing amnesty for all illegals. This has already been done. When the last national amnesty was declared by Congress for three million illegals in 1986, it was supposed to have solved the problem of illegal immigration. Now the number of illegal aliens is back in the millions again. Instead of solving the problem, amnesty encouraged even more illegals to cross our borders. They saw their brothers rewarded for breaking our laws. Now some pinhead in the administration is advising Bush to take the same ill-advised action. What is the definition of insanity? "Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result the next time." Perhaps our President has listened to so much liberal propaganda that he really believes he is showing kindness by extending amnesty. I’d like to think he’s smarter than that. More likely, he sees it as a smart political move to show that he is the compassionate conservative he promised us he would be during the election. In my mind, real compassion would be to help these people enter the country properly and legally, so that they could hold their heads high. Some of our best citizens are immigrants who earned their way in this country, and studied hard for their citizenship. Sending the message that one can sneak across our borders and become a citizen by way of the back door does nothing to help these poor people or our nation. And it degrades the efforts of those who have become citizens the right way. In fact, our nation has been terribly damaged by illegal immigration, even as our government officials turn a blind eye. The economies of border states such as California, Texas, Arizona and Florida have been heavily impacted by the costs of housing, feeding and schooling these people. The federal government, whose responsibility it is to stem the tide of illegals doesn’t offer to help with the cost. "Take care of it," Washington says to the states. Florida has threatened to sue the federal government to obtain funds for immigration problems caused by ill-conceived federal policies. Now here’s the scary part. Forty-one percent of the illegal aliens in this country didn’t sneak across the Rio Grande or land a boat on the shores of Florida after dark. Close to half of our illegals entered the country legally, then became illegals by overstaying their visas. We now have 2.1 million illegal aliens who have flown into airports or crossed at legal checkpoints, been cleared by our Immigration and Naturalization Service, and then promptly forgotten! "In the light of the terrorist attacks, surely Congress is doing something about the problem of illegal immigration," you might well say. As a matter of fact, they are. They are talking about it. Congress is good at talking, particularly when TV cameras are present. Unfortunately, their talk to action ratio is similar to the ratio of water to land on our planet, approximately 83% to 17%. Here is the situation that exists today. Terrorists cross our borders with impunity. Most of the terrorists who hijacked the 9/11 airliners entered at airports where the "security" people were not U.S. citizens. In fact, the majority were Arabs. Many did not speak English, all were poorly trained, few had any loyalty to the country they were supposed to be protecting. Every one of the nineteen terrorists received visas from our government without proper security checks being done. Hundreds of illegals cross borders every night where one Border Patrol Agent may be responsible for over a hundred miles of border. "Who cares about Mexicans sneaking across the border?" some say. "We’re worried about terrorists." Well, who’s to say that all the people coming across the border are Mexicans? There are thousands of terrorists and drug runners operating nearby in Central and South America. And who’s to say that weapons of mass destruction aren’t hidden under the avocados in some of the hundreds of trucks that cross our borders daily without being inspected? For the safety of our nation, we’d better stop being politically correct, and start being politically smart. Having open borders sounds nice in a speech, but the reality is that we have no protection at our borders. It reminds me of an old saying: "Are you open-minded, or do you have a hole in your head?" WE DON’T HAVE SPACE TO DO AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE SUBJECT OF CLONING, but here’s a thought. If you don’t think human cloning is scary, imagine a world with two Bill Clintons, two Hillarys and two Jesse Jacksons. |