"Mr. Hitler, Please Crack Down On The Nazis."December 9, 2001by Tom Barrett Editor@ConservativeTruth.org Asking Yasser Arafat to "crack down" on Hamas makes as much sense as it would have made to ask Adolf Hitler to rein in his Nazi storm troopers. Arafat is "Mr. Terrorism," the role model for terrorists the world over. If he had any desire to "crack down" on his comrades, he would certainly have the manpower to do so; he controls 38,000 "security forces." The fact is that Hamas works for him. Arafat and the Palestinian Authority finance and protect Hamas and numerous other terrorist organizations. One of the most remarkable accomplishments of liberal politicians and the liberal media in the last decade has been the rehabilitation of the image of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat from Marxist terrorist to global statesman. And one of the worst conspirators in this process has been former President Bill Clinton. Thus far President Bush has displayed good sense by refusing to meet with Arafat. But Clinton, in his lust to achieve his dream of winning the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing peace to the Middle East, was willing to do anything to court the career terrorist. As recently as a year ago, Clinton met and posed with Arafat, wearing his "good ol’ boy" grin, even as members of Arafat’s al Fatah Party were carrying out terrorist actions against Jewish religious sites and civilian neighborhoods. Clinton even directed federal agencies to share information with Arafat’s "security forces." (See the CNN article, "Clinton & Arafat Meet as Mideast Deaths Continue;" also "Arafat and the ATF," in the Resources section below.) Arafat’s Hamas has been quite open about taking responsibility for the recent atrocities in Israel. This is how their website, The Palestinian Information Center, describes it: "With the grace of Allah, the Qassam Brigades declare responsibility for the armed attack against a convoy of Zionist occupation vehicles grouping settlers and soldiers along the road between the so-called settlements of Ely Sinai and Nesanit to the north of Gaza Strip on Sunday 17th Ramadan 1422H." As Mary Mostert describes it in her article (found in the Resources section, along with all the articles referenced herein), "That’s how they describe the suicide bomber who got on a bus with civilians, a bomb packed with nails strapped around his waist, detonated it and killed 13 of them, their body parts falling all over the street and the bus careening out of control. The Hamas message to us is: ’It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah: when thou threwest, it was not thy act, but Allah’s.’" Make sure you click the "Glory Record" button on the Hamas website. There they list many of the terrorist acts which Arafat has publicly praised. Number 85 on the list is a boast about a suicide bombing on a crowded bus in which 22 Israelis (including children) were murdered, and 47 others were injured. Bush administration officials admit to being "fed up" with Arafat’s lack of action against known terrorists. White House spokesman Ari Fleisher said, "Palestinian jails have bars in the front but should no longer have revolving doors in the back." Following the latest incident, Arafat mimicked the Police Chief in the movie Casablanca. He said, "Round up the usual suspects." His "security forces" arrested 110 people. The problem is that he does the same thing every time he is pressured to take action against terrorism. Then, a few days or a few weeks later, he releases them to be arrested again in his next show of force. In many cases Arafat detainees have been released in order to participate in acts of violence against Israel. This is described in an article in an Australian newspaper titled, "Arafat in New Deal With Old Militants." In at least two cases, he has released known terrorists and placed them in high positions on governing councils. How did Arafat become the chairman of the P.L.O. and the head of the P.N.A. (Palestinian National Authority)? Certainly not by a popular vote. Arafat was installed as head of the P.L.O. in 1969 by the Arab League, a coalition of Arab nations. He was never elected until 1996. By that time, there was no other choice for the Palestinian people for two reasons. First, during the twenty-seven years in which he had held absolute power, he had systematically murdered any who dared to oppose him. More important in a society that idealizes terrorism, where children are trained from kindergarten to become "martyrs," only a terrorist could hope to attain and maintain leadership. If Arafat were the lover of peace he claims to be, the Palestinian people would reject him. "But Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize," some say, as if that could somehow wash the stain of the blood of tens of thousands of civilians from his hands. Today there is a concerted effort to strip him of that undeserved recognition. (You can sign the petition in the Resources section below.) Arafat received the prize solely because of international politics. Many naively believe the selection process for the Nobel Prize is international, and that its winners are chosen by strict, fair standards. In fact, all members of the Nobel Prize Committee are Norwegian politicians. In 1993 secret peace talks in Norway led to the Oslo Peace Accords between Israel and the P.L.O. This brought enormous prestige to tiny Norway, so it was a foregone conclusion that Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin (Israel’s Prime Minister), and Shimon Peres (Israel’s Foreign Minister) would share the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994. Unfortunately for Norway, their laws require a unanimous vote of the Prize Committee, and the Committee had one member with a conscience. "What consequences will result," asked Kare Kristiansen, an elder statesman of Norway, "when a terrorist with such a background is awarded the world’s most prestigious prize? Can there be any doubt that this award is going to downgrade the Prize and weaken respect for it? What signal will the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to a prominent member of ’Terrorism Ltd.’ give to other terrorist groups?" Rather than be forced to vote for Arafat, Mr. Kristiansen resigned from the Committee in protest and refused to attend Arafat’s ceremony. And so, twenty years to the day after Dr. Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize, the same Prize was awarded to Yasser Arafat, butcher of children. One can imagine Dr. King turning over in his grave. What qualifies Arafat to lead a terrorist nation? Born in 1929 in Cairo (although he now claims to have been born in Jerusalem), Arafat became a member of the Future Terrorists Club when he helped smuggle weapons into Palestine as a teenager. He studied engineering at the University of Cairo (presumably to perfect his bomb-making techniques). There he headed the Palestinian Students League. In 1956 he founded al Fatah, an underground terrorist organization. At first Al Fatah was ignored by larger Arab nations, which had formed the Palestine Liberation Organization (P.L.O.). But by 1969 Arab leaders realized they had a talented terrorist in Arafat, and made him the leader of the P.L.O. For decades the P.L.O. murdered Israelis in attack after bloody attack, and Arafat’s reputation as a ruthless terrorist grew. But by 1988, when he told the United Nations that the P.L.O. would recognize Israel as a sovereign state, Arafat had taken the advice of another butcher, Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania. That dictator had advised Arafat to maintain control of the terrorist organizations he had founded, but to publicly denounce them, thus keeping his hands clean so that he could appear to be a statesman. Arafat learned well. Today, in the English-speaking media, he condemns terrorism and vows to catch the perpetrators. To his own people, in their own language, he vows to kill every Jew in Israel, and to "continue Jihad until victory or martyrdom." In 1990 Arafat pulled back the veil somewhat by his public endorsement of Saddam Hussein following Iraq’s brutal invasion of tiny Kuwait. In January 1996 Arafat was "elected" the first president of the Palestinian Council governing the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Still not convinced? Arafat openly wore a gun strapped to his waist in his first appearance before the United Nations General Assembly in 1974. Little has changed since. In the article, "Senior Arafat Minister Praises Terrorist" you will find numerous quotes from Arafat and his spokesmen praising terrorists and suicide bombers as "Martyrs for Allah." Arafat’s official newspaper, Al Hayat Al Jadidah, glorified the Arab terrorist who murdered 241 Americans in Beirut in 1983. In its November 23, 1997 edition, he attacked the United States as "...a blood-spilling cowboy. This is the same mentality which caused the Marines to enter Beirut and to run away from it, after one bold action was carried out by a holy martyr who suckled from his mother’s bosom the pure Jihad tradition." As I wrote in a previous editorial, our nation has been negotiating with a terrorist for years. His name is Yasser Arafat. He plans to finish what Hitler started.
EDITOR’S NOTE: These are the comments of three of the members of our Editorial Board regarding this article: "I particularly like the Hamas website. You may want to mention that in that website they have vowed to kill 100 Jews for the death of Mahmoud Abu Hannoud. Even the Nazis only murdered 10 to 1. ’The butcher Sharon will pay the price for his foolishness and tyranny; 100 Zionists as a first batch of revenge for martyr Mahmoud Abu Hannoud. Allah be praised!’" Glenn Palmer. "I really like the Resources section. There are some who just won’t believe unless an item appears in the mainstream media. Unfortunately most conservative newsletters and sites reference nothing." G.D. McDuffie "I don’t recall the date, but back in the ’70’s the Israeli army invaded Palestine and attacked the headquarters of the PLO. At the onset Arafat announced defiantly he would become a martyr for his people, and urged all his terrorist PLO fighters to fight on in Jihad. When they surrounded the hotel where he was hiding, suddenly Jihad wasn’t nearly as appealing as negotiating his own release. He dropped off the radar screen and returned as Arafat the statesman. I think this might why he made his conversion from holy warrior to statesman." Red Thomas. RESOURCES: "Clinton & Arafat Meet as Mideast Deaths Continue": http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/meast/11/09/mideast.04/ |