"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Archives of Patrick Weir


Is it Racism? - Jul 29, 2019


Raised in a large family in Southern California, Patrick gave up the hippie life style and became an American after spending thirteen months in an airmobile unit in the Central Highlands of Vietnam.  Upon return, campus demonstrations no longer seemed to be anything more than the tantrums of pampered children.   Married upon return home, plans to attend the Colorado School of Mines were abandoned and replaced with a day to day job in a warehouse.  Working his way up to General Manager, Patrick was in position to purchase the company from the estate after the passing of the founder.    The Company is now fifty-two years old and with ongoing plans to pass the torch to his sons who have spent their lives in the company.
Patrick credits his fifty year marriage and any other successes, first and foremost, to his relationship with his Creator, without Whose wisdom these successes would likely not have come to pass.  With so much sociopolitical insanity in our nation demanding to be ruled by tyranny, Patrick is committed to do whatever he can to sound the alarm and alert Americans to the call to defend our liberties.