Is Nickelodeon Promoting Diversity or Perversity with its Homosexual Agenda?June 19, 2002by Mary Mostert, Analyst - Banner of Liberty Nickelodeon, one of the Viacom Corporations divisions, has decided your children need to accept the notion that homosexuality is merely a form of diversity like religion, or race. Linda Ellerbee produced the show My Family Is Different which was aired Tuesday night. She said she was "puzzled" by the backlash against the production from pro-family groups such as The Traditional Values Coalition. I’m promoting tolerance and respect for diversity in the family, she said. I don’t understand why anyone would object to a special with the message we may not agree with you, but we don’t want to hurt you for the way you feel. Well, now, as I understand the Traditional Values Coalition, they are not objecting at all to the way homosexuals FEEL. What they are concerned about is what the Viacom Corporation and the homosexual lobby is TEACHING children. Viacom is teaching this notion about homosexuality through their other business entities too, which include CBS, MTV, VH1, BET, Paramount Pictures, Viacom Outdoor, Infinity, UPN, TNN: The National Network, CMT: Country Music Television, Showtime, Blockbuster, and Simon & Schuster. In this day an age, when words are used to sell almost anything, it is a good idea to check out how the dictionary defines words like diversity. Diversity, we are told in the dictionary, means a quality of being different. The dictionary example of diversity in religion, for example, is that it does not prevent friendship. Of course, if people of one religion take it upon themselves to strap bombs around their waist so they can kill people of another religion - which is what is going on in the Middle East - it is certainly understandable that the people getting killed or maimed might object to their children being taught that religion. Now, exactly what is it that parents of America might object to if their children are being taught that the homosexual lifestyle is just as valid a lifestyle as a heterosexual lifestyle? What IS the difference. Well, of course, heterosexuality led the parents to fall in love with a member of the opposite sex, marry, have children and create a home. What is the homosexual lifestyle we are supposed to teach our children is equal to their parents lifestyle? Are there any actual dangers involved, or is this merely a matter of prejudice, as we have been told by the homosexual lobby for years? Are the Boy Scouts REALLY just being unfair in their standards by maintaining that homosexual scoutmasters are not good role models for boys? Shortly after President Clinton issued an executive order opening up the U.S. military to homosexuals, his Surgeon General announced that homosexual sex was normal and healthy. A few months later, Paul Cameron, William L. Playfair, and Stephen Wellum did a study on The Longevity of Homosexuals: Before and After the AIDS Epidemic which was published in the 1994-95 issue of OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying. Since longevity is commonly considered indicative of health of a population, the study examined how long homosexuals lived before the AIDS epidemic and how long do they live today? The authors examined 6,737 obituaries/death notices from eighteen U.S. homosexual journals over a period of thirteen years and compared them to obituaries from two conventional newspapers and reported: The obituaries from the non-homosexual newspapers were similar to U.S. averages for longevity: the median age of death of married men was seventy-five, 80 percent died old (65 or older); for unmarried men it was fifty-seven, 32 percent died old; for married women it was seventy-nine, 85 percent died old; for unmarried women it was seventy-one, 60 percent died old. For the 6,574 homosexual deaths, the median age of death if AIDS was the cause was thirty-nine irrespective of whether or not the individual had a Long Time Sexual Partner (LTSP], 1 percent died old. For those 829 who died of non-AIDS causes the median age of death was forty-two (41 for those 315 with a LTSP and 43 for those 514 without) and < 9 percent died old. Homosexuals more frequently met a violent end from accidental death, traffic death, suicide, and murder than men in general. The 163 lesbians registered a median age of death of forty-four (20% died old) and exhibited high rates of violent death and cancer as compared to women in general. Old homosexuals appear to have been proportionately less numerous than their nonhomosexual counterparts in the scientific literature from 1858 to 1993. The pattern of early death evident in the homosexual obituaries is consistent with the pattern exhibited in the published surveys of homosexuals and intravenous drug abusers. Homosexuals may have experienced a short lifespan for the last 140 years; AIDS has apparently reduced it about 10 percent. The authors concluded: Such an abbreviated lifespan puts the healthfulness of homosexuality in question. The American public has been subjected to the most amazing propaganda campaign in recent history that was designed by homosexual lobbyists to change the thinking of the public - not only in America, but throughout the world via the United Nations. It is blatantly dishonest for Nickelodeon and the Viacom corporation, with its multi-billion dollar propaganda machine, to teach children that homosexuality is merely a sample of diversity. It more accurately might be called a sample of perversity - which is defined in my dictionary as being persistent or obstinate in doing what is wrong. If the homosexual lobby, Nickelodeon and Viacom Corporation really want to make homosexuality an issue in schools and childrens TV programs, then lets tell the kids the whole story. The truth is, homosexuality is a sad, non-productive lifestyle that produces no children, a great deal of misery, violence and a short, sickly life. Should we be teaching children to respect people who would try to deceive them about what happens to people who are active homosexuals? Is that the kind of difference that we want our children to accept and respect? Or should we be teaching the children to AVOID that kind of lifestyle? We dont teach them to accept and respect smoking, shooting drugs or alcoholism, why would we want to teach them to accept and respect behavior that will kill them before they are old enough to retire? |
Send the author an E mail at Mostert@ConservativeTruth.org. For more of Mary's articles, visit her archives. |